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时间:2023-01-08 17:32来源:毕业论文
iOS的大学信息系统助手设计。采用苹果全新的Swift语言,在Xcode7.3下创建,使用苹果原生Cocoa Touch框架,适配iOS9,采用Carthage —— 去中心化的依赖管理器管理第三方库


科大助手采用苹果全新的Swift语言,在Xcode7。3下创建,使用苹果原生Cocoa Touch框架,适配iOS9,采用Carthage —— 去中心化的依赖管理器管理第三方库。走在时代前沿的我们,更要掌握前沿的技术。此应用将最前沿的技术带给学校,以满足学生对新知识、新技能的渴望。新时代大学生的使命就是勇于探索、开拓创新,不能仅仅止步于学校的要求。此次目的也是为了敲醒学生,让学生去了解更多前沿的技术,而不是捆绑在学校这座臃肿、古老的象牙塔内。

毕业论文关键字: 科大助手、Swift、Xcode7。3、Cocoa Touch、iOS9、Carthage

Abstract With the progress of the times, contemporary college students gradually increase the information requirements of the school, the original bloated university information system can not meet the needs of students, more and more students in the course of scientific and technological strength and constantly Tucao school, and we as Science and Technology named the school did not avoid, simply because the school's development team has not kept pace, developers are older。 The so-called waves pushed before the waves, our generation is to change this situation。

JustHelper uses Apple's new Swift language, created under Xcode7。3, use Apple's native Cocoa Touch framework,adaptation iOS9,using Carthage —— decentralized rely Manager third-party libraries。 We walk in the forefront of the times, but also to grasp the leading edge of technology。 This application will be the most cutting-edge technologies to the school to meet the students' thirst for new knowledge and new skills。 New Era College Students' mission is bold exploration, innovation, and not just stop at the school requirements。 The purpose is to awakens students to enable students to learn more cutting-edge technology, rather than tied to school this bloated, within the ancient ivory tower。

Keyword: JUST HELPER、Swift、Xcode7。3、Cocoa Touch、iOS9、Carthage


第一章 绪论 1

1。1 开发背景 1

1。2 目的和意义 1

1。3 问题及解决方法 2

1。4 本章小结 2

第二章 相关技术 3

2。1 iOS系统简介 3

2。2 iOS开发简介 3

2。3 Swift语言简介 4

2。4 Xcode 7。3简介 5

2。5 Cocoa Touch框架介绍 6

2。6 第三方库介绍 7

2。7 本章小结 8

第三章 需求分析 9

3。1 设计目标 9

3。2 可行性分析 9

3。2。1 技术及开发可行性 9

3。2。2 管理可行性 9

3。2。3 经济可行性 9

3。3 需求分析 iOS的大学信息系统助手设计:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_122061.html
