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时间:2023-01-08 17:35来源:毕业论文

摘要随着计算机科学技术飞速发展,网络逐渐普及且为很多在校大学生所接受。智能移动终端--手机,作为在校大学生人手必备之物,拥有着无比惊人的优势:便于携带,丰富用户的生活,简化用户之间的沟通,帮助用户获取更多的资源与机会。同时,很多优秀的app 涌入手机平台,大大地方便了用户的衣食住行。作为一名热爱生活,热爱校园的即将毕业的学生,决心为制作一款基于android 的大学新生助手 app,来为学校的建设、学生的学习环境与生活环境做一份贡献。86969


该app 编译语言为android5。0(代号Lollipop,简称Android L),MVC框架(model-view-controller)使得项目的耦合性低、扩展性优秀、模块间分工明确一目了然。为了配合app中的用户部分功能实现,搭建了java语言的服务器。



Abstract With the rapid development of computer science and technology, Gradual popularization of the network has been accepted by thousands of college students。 mobile phone, as intelligent mobile terminals, what was college student staff necessary thing in the world, with a very striking advantages: easy to carry, enrich the user's life, simplify the communication between the user and help users to obtain more resources and opportunities。 At the same time, numerous excellent app influx into the mobile platform, has greatly made convenient to the daily life of the user。 As a student who love the campus of graduating and life, determination for the majority of students to provide access to high quality living environment of the opportunity to learn。 A freshman assistant app based on android。 

The freshman's assistant app, what be not only beneficial for new and better faster and more convenient to understand the campus life and learning environment and helping students achieve butter life。 Integrating excellent environment more quickly into the university。 

The app compiled languages for android5。0 (Mark:Lollipop,) MVC framework (model view controller) made the project low coupling and extensibility, a clear pision of responsibilities between the module be clear at a glance。 In order to cooperate with the user part of the app functions, set up a server for the Java language。 

Project is pided into four modules: educational administration module, wall, wonderful campus, personal information。 Involved in educational administration module grade point queries, schedule, institute and common phone announcement。 Wall module can realize for interaction between the user and wonderful campus module, provided such as English CET scores query, the train ticket query, the ticket query。 Personal information module is used to save all kinds of information of users。

Keywords: The freshman's assistant app; MVC framework; Compiled languages--android 5。0; Server


第一章 绪论 1

1。1 学生助手app的应用背景 1

1。2 学生助手app的目的和意义 1

1。3 学生助手app 的优点: android的大学生助手app设计:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_122062.html
