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时间:2018-04-03 16:52来源:毕业论文

This website is to provide for the teaching learning "programming language" of students in the school a network platform that lets students whenever and wherever there is a network where you can make online learning, self-study time arrangements, not only broke the school place limitations teaching time, but saving the school's resources, but also saves time for teachers and students, teachers and classmates online communication allows more freedom of convenience, students learn to solve problems of e-commerce knowledge of the path from the aspects of learning channels . Functionally speaking, the system is relatively complete system Web interface to interact with the user, for the user to provide information and to accept its operation, while storing information and data through the database management system. System enables browsing of information and data, such as query, edit and manage basic database operations, using a modular design approach, depending on the application and maintenance of user needs and ease of use of the program, which will be placed in various parts of different modules to facilitate the expansion and maintenance procedures, as well as the establishment of a foundation program features reuse.
Keywords:Teaching sites; ASP; SqlServer; interactivity
绪论    1
1 绪论    2
1.1 本课题的研究意义    2
1.2 本论文的目的、内容及发展趋势    2
1.3 作者的主要贡献    3
2 系统开发环境的选择    4
2.1  B/S体系结构    4
2.2  Dreamweaver    4
2.3 SQL Server    5
2.4  HTML    5
2.5  ASP    6
3需求分析    7
3.1  系统调研    7
3.1总体需求    7
3.2系统功能分析    7
3.3 系统用例分析    8
3.5 系统业务流程    9
4 系统设计    12
4.1系统总体结构设计    12
4.1.1用户登陆模块流程    12
4.1.2在线视频模块流程    13
4.1.3在线作业模块流程    14
4.1.4在线答疑模块流程    14
4.1.5在线测试模块流程    15
4.2数据库设计    16
4.2.1 概念结构设计    16
4.2.2 数据库逻辑结构    18
5 系统详细设计    21
5.1数据库连接    21
5.2 主界面    22
5.3 学生登录实现    23
5.4 教学信息实现    24
5.5 在线视频实现    26
5.6 在线作业实现    30 ASP程序设计语言教学网站的开发与设计:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_12349.html