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时间:2023-01-19 20:41来源:毕业论文

摘   要在互联网技术日新月异的今天,人们不再像以往一样依赖于言传身教来获取知识,而是更多的偏爱于浏览互联网来学习知识。随着个人移动设备数量的激增,移动学习应运而生。但是品种众多,资源质量良莠不齐的在线教育网站并不能很好的满足这样一个庞大的学习群体。87150




Abstract Nowadays, the Internet technology has made various changes People don’t get knowledge by the way as they uesd to be。 They prefer to acquire knowledge by browsing the website。 In addition, with the rapid growth of personal mobile devices, mobile learning has emerged。 However, online learning websites are various and have different resource quality。 So it can’t meet the requirement of the large group。

This paper proposes an effective solution for mobile learning and realizes the mobile client based on the analysis of the current situation and development trends。 The design of the mobile mobile client gives up the existing android native development model, uses the latest front-end framework Ionic and uses the AngularJS technology to realize the control logic on the basis of the html pages。 The system realizes several functions such as the basic user login, the presentation of the course information, the browsing of the learning materials and the publication and notification of important information。 Moerover, users can also follow courses or make comments according to their interesting。 The system builds a complete online learning platform which solves the problems of the previous learning systems that can not update resources in real time and should be used in the limited location。

At first, the paper describes the whole business logic and pides the system into some modules。Secondly。 It demonstrates the functions of the system and gives the specific logic implementation。 Finally, it summarizes the problems we encountered and gives the suggestion of optimization。

The system that we designed has provided a new way for the development of the mobile learning system。 And we hope to create a new model for app development。

Keywords:Mobile Learning;Cloud storage;Ionic;HTML5;AngularJS


第一章 绪论 1

1。1 研究背景 1

1。2 技术现状 2

1。3 研究内容 2

1。4 本文组织结构 2

第二章 系统开发工具及关键技术 4

2。1 开发工具及技术 4

2。2 相关技术描述 HTML5云平台的移动学习系统-移动端设计:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_125947.html
