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时间:2018-04-23 18:27来源:毕业论文

Design and implementation of family financial management system
Abstract:Although the family financial services is a very common and popular in foreign financial services; Although there are many insurance, banking and securities company launched the "financial planner" service initiative in China, But for most families, family finances are still in "self-exploratory stage." In this paper, I will analysis the functions of family financial management system, functions can be pided into: user login module, management module and balance of payments situation in detail modules, etc., also invoked google charts. As a more perfect family financial management system, user management module is a core module, Because the user is through this module to input data, each module has a corresponding database to support. This paper is the summary of the contents of combining, through investigation developed to adapt to modern life, meet the the trend of social development, e-family property management system. The system during the design process, full account of the robustness of the system, adaptability and efficiency, in line with the principles of system design.
Keywords:Family financial management; finance; family of financial services; Management System
 目  录
一.    绪论    1
(一) 课题研究的目的与意义    1
(二) 课题研究的背景    2
二、现状分析与未来发展趋势    3
(一) 现状分析    3
(二) 课题研究发展趋势    3
三、 总体规划    5
(一)    系统开发环境    5
(二)    需求分析    5
(三)    模块规划    6
(四)    特色模块功能介绍    7
  1.小工具-万能计算机    7
  2.报表统计    8
  3.理财日记    .8
四、概念设计及E-R图    9
  (一)E-R图设计    9
  (二)业务流程图    10
  (三)逻辑设计及数据库表    11
五.系统功能介绍    15
  (一)系统设计方法    15
  (二)系统模块设计    16
  1.系统登录界面    16
  2.流水账簿模块    18
  3.账户管理模块    21
  4.收支项目类别管理模块    22
  5.报表统计模块    24
  6.债权债务模块    26
  7.系统设置模块    28 ASP+access家庭财务管理系统的设计与实现:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_13961.html