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时间:2018-05-29 19:53来源:毕业论文

Design and Implementation cord management system
Abstract: The main goal of this is to develop stem cell bank of existing business information, thereby to enhance the quality of enterprise management ability and level. Implementation of the project is pided into three phases, is currently underway to implement the first phase. Implementation of the objectives of this phase is to optimize existing business processes, and data existing legacy systems migration.
This type of business has involved the development of umbilical cord blood, umbilical cord, placenta and peripheral stem (Managed only peripheral stem) of four, from the signing of the agreement covers business processes, preparation, testing, cryopreservation, clinical services to the entire cycle of quality management. In addition, in order to better serve our customers, the system will also provide, including customer service call centers, including the management module..
Key words:    project management; system constitution; view separate; code delaminating
目录    ii
1 绪论    1
1.1 开发框架    1
1.2 开发目的    1
1.3 软件开发模式    1
2 技术分析    2
2.1 C/S技术    2
2.2 数据库技术    2
2.2.1 SqlServer2008的特性    3
2.3 三层架构框架    3
2.4 WEB SERVICE    4
2.5 C#语言    5
2.5.1 简洁的语法    5
2.5.2 面向对象设计    5
2.5.3 完整的安全性与错误处理    5
2.5.4 版本处理技术    6
3 系统分析    7
3.1 功能需求分析    7
3.2 用例图分析    7
3.3 系统功能概要    8
3.4 可行性分析    8
3.5 系统需求分析    9
4 系统总体设计    10
4.1 系统功能模块    10
4.1.1 系统功能划分    10
4.1.2 系统功能说明    10
4.2 业务顺序图设计    11
4.3 系统类设计    18
4.4 系统架构介绍    19
4.4.1 表现层UI    19
4.4.2 业务逻辑层    19
4.4.3 服务层    19
4.4.4 服务引用层    20
4.4.5 公共层    20
4.4.6 实体层    20
4.4.7 数据层    20
4.4.8 控件层    20
4.5 系统表设计(协议信息模块表)    20
4.5.1 客户信息数据表    20
4.5.2 协议发放信息表    21
4.5.3 多重协议对应表    22
4.5.4 协议邮寄记录    22
4.5.5 脐带血追踪信息    23
4.5.6 协议信息记录表    23
5 系统详细设计    27
5.1 系统模版模块设计    27 C#脐带血管理系统的设计与实现:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_16538.html