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时间:2023-11-13 22:52来源:毕业论文



Abstract: With the evolution of networked and intelligent technologies, embedded technology has been developed, linux operating systems are well-established。 High reliability, copyright free, has become a new power in embedded areas。In this context, the design plan is based on the linux embedded system web server。 Embedded web in the web video surveillance system, remote monitoring  and  error  diagnostics,  the  protection  and  control  of  devices  in  the      industrial

automation system, the smart areas and the smart lights are good applications-- There is a good way to manage, control and monitor various devices。 Apache server is the most popular and most common web server software in linux。 This article introduces the installation of apache installation bags under the linux system, by modifying apache。 The something configuration file builds apache servers, and then builds a personal site based on apache servers。 Finally, use html language to improve your website's page。

Keywords:l i n u x , d e b i a n , w e b s e r v e r , a p a c he 

1 前言 4

1。1 课题背景 4

1。2 设计任务 5

2 虚拟机 5

2。1 虚拟机的源G于J优L尔V论N文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201`8766 概述 5

2。2 Linux系统的概述 6

2。3 安装Linux系统 6

3 WEB服务器 8

3。1 WEB服务器的概述 8

3。2 Apache服务器的概述 8

3。3 Apache服务器的安装 8

3。4 配置Apache服务器 10

4 个人站点的配置 11

4。1 配置虚拟主机 11

4。3 建立个人站点 12

4。4 修改配置文件 12
