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时间:2023-12-24 10:06来源:毕业论文



Abstract:As an important part of hotel management, hotel reservations are also more and more attention received by managers。 The traditional management has been unable to meet the current business needs。 Managers hope to use the current popular electronic information technology, so that the management of booking information more flexible and intelligent, to better facilitate our lives。In this paper,the development process of the hotel reservation management system and the user’s needs are analyzed in depth by Android as the development platform。From the system development platform, feasibility, user needs, module design and other aspects of analysis and design。 Using the Java language, with the current popular B / S structure, the hotel management of all aspects of information stored in the database, to achieve real-time information sharing。 Mainly including the user's registration login, room search and booking, booking information management, user information management and other functions。

Keywords: Smartphone, Android, Hotel reservation system, JAVA

目 录

1。 绪论 6

1。1 研究背景 6

1。2 研究的目的与意义 6

1。3 研究内容 7

1。4 论文章节安排 7

2。 开发环境介绍 8

2。1 开发工具 8

2。2 MySql数据库 9

2。3 JAVA简介 9

3。 系统分析 9

3。1 系统可行性分析 9

3。2 功能需求 10

3。3 开发运行环境需求 11

3。4 其它需求 11

4。 系统总体设计 12

4。1 系统概述 12

4。2 设计原则 12

4。3 系统功能模块设计 12

4。4 系统流程图设计 16

4。5数据库设计 17

5。 系统的实现 21

5。1 软件界面设计 21

5。2功能的实现 21

6。 系统的测试 33

6。1 测试方案设计 33

6。2测试用例构建 33

结论 35

参考文献 36

致谢 Android酒店预订管理系统的设计+源代码:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_199887.html
