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时间:2024-07-20 10:12来源:95926



Design and implementation of Android terminal for building energy monitoring

Abstract:The energy problem is one of today's human encounter in the development of science and technology in the process of challenge. The construction industry as the main force of energy consumption, improve energy efficiency is imperative. Many enterprises adopt building energy management system to manage energy, and have achieved good results. With the information age coming, the mobile Internet into people's daily life. At the same time, the mobile communication also have a huge impact on building energy management technology. Building energy monitoring App as a combination of building energy management systems and mobile Internet, will be able to use the high energy efficiency, to further reduce the energy consumption. Building energy monitoring App to the energy consumption for real-time monitoring and early warning of abnormal data, the expenses for evaluation. Users can be more convenient to understand the situation of building energy consumption, reduce because of the exchange of information problems caused by the waste of energy.

Keywords:Energy monitoring;App;Real time monitoring;Abnormal warning;Cost evaluation

0引言 1

1绪论 2

1.1研究意义 2

1.2国内外研究综述 3

1.3研究内容 3

1.4研究方法及技术路线 4

1.5研究的创新的及难点 5

2系统分析 6

2.1搭建系统开发环境 6

2.2系统需求分析 7

2.3业务流程分析 7

2.4数据流程分析 8

3系统设计 9

3.1系统功能设计 9

3.2数据库设计 11

3.3页面布局设计 16

3.4代码设计 19

4系统实现 22

4.1账号管理模块实现 22

4.2实时监控模块实现 27

4.3数据查询模块实现 31

4.4数据分析模块实现 33

5系统测试 37

5.1系统测试 37

5.2系统维护 41

