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时间:2018-08-14 17:35来源:毕业论文

关键词  面部轮廓  边缘  机器人素描
Title Research on Facial Contour Recognition and Robot Sketch  
A trained painter need to take a long time to draw a vivid and natural facial sketch. And more people are starting to focus on finding ways to get facial sketches quickly and automatically. The robot sketch is able to draw a facial sketch in a short time automatically through facial images.In this research,the problem is mainly the unclear lines,messy lines, rough edges, do not know when to lift the pencil and when to write and so forth. This thesis focuses on that problem, and mainly analyze the image about facial edge detection, facial contour extraction research and so forth. There are so many difficulties in the experimental process, such as complex contours, the trouble of getting the coordinates of contours. Finally, after several modifications, I extract successfully the coordinates of some facial contours,and then convert them into three-dimensional coordinates. After that,I make the sketch experiment by robot, and get a fair result which has many shortcomings, also illustrate research directions for future improvement.
Keywords  facial contour  edge  robot sketch
目   次
  1  绪论 1
1.1  研究背景 1
1.2  面部轮廓识别与机器人素描技术研究现状 2
1.3  论文研究的目的意义和方法 6
1.4  本文研究内容 6
2  图像滤波处理 8
2.1  线性滤波 8
2.2  非线性滤波 11
2.3  形态学滤波 12
2.4  阈值化 17
3  肖像边缘处理 19
3.1  Canny算子边缘检测 21
3.2  Sobel算子边缘检测 22
3.3  Laplacian算子边缘检测 23
3.4  三个边缘检测算子效果总结 24
4  面部轮廓提取 26
4.1  寻找面部轮廓 26
4.2  描绘面部轮廓 27
5  机器人肖像绘制 29
5.1  三自由度机械臂机器人 29
5.2  实验效果及今后改进方向 30
结论  34
致谢  35
参考文献 36
1    绪论
1.1  研究背景
随着计算机技术和人工智能的发展,计算机视觉是一个活跃的研究领域,利用各种成像系统代替人类的视觉器官作为输入手段,由计算机来代替大脑完成处理和解释。所以,它的终极目标是让计算机能够像个人类一样,可以利用摄像机等简单地自主地适应社会。可以让计算机能够利用二文图像了解三文世界。简略过程见图1.1和图1.2。 面部轮廓识别与机器人素描技术研究:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_21336.html