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时间:2018-08-20 15:58来源:毕业论文
在线租车系统的设计与实现,基于B/S模式,使用Java语言进行开发,SQL Server数据库管理系统开发和管理数据库,使用dwz UI框架,Tomcat服务器,通过总结现有资料和知识,并提出创新性功能

本课题——在线租车系统的设计与实现,基于B/S模式,使用Java语言进行开发,SQL Server数据库管理系统开发和管理数据库,使用dwz UI框架,Tomcat服务器,通过总结现有资料和知识,并提出创新性功能,设计与实现能够更加方便用户使用的系统。
关键字  汽车租赁  在线租车系统  计算机
Title    The design and implementation of online car rental system                                   
With the rapid development of China’s economy,original luxury cars gradually spread to one of the most commonly used off-road vehicles.At the same time, our country automobile usage surge to the transportation, the environment poses a serious pressure, also raise a car will give some families a certain economic burden.Car rental industry, therefore, was born in such a social environment are dense, and flourished.The development of a new industry needs to be standardized management to promote the healthy growth of the motivation and the specification, and for the standardized management of car rental needs scientific management way with the help of computer network, so the online car rental system - this kind of fast and convenient car rental mode are increasingly into the public life .
This topic - the design and implementation of online car rental system, based on B/S mode, use Java language development, database SQL Server database management system development and management, using DWZ UI framework, the Tomcat Server, through summarizing the existing data and knowledge, and put forward the innovation function, design and implementation can more convenient user use the system.
Keywords   car rental    online car rental system   computer
目 录
1  绪论    1
1.1  课题研究背景及意义    1
1.1.1 世界汽车租赁发展史    1
1.1.2 我国汽车租赁业现状    1
1.2  问题的提出与研究意义    2
1.2.1 问题的提出    2
1.2.2 研究意义    2
1.2.3 研究目标    3
2  需求分析    4
2.1 功能模块需求    4
2.1.1 游客主要功能需求    4
2.1.2 车主主要功能需求    4
2.1.3 租车人主要功能需求    5
2.1.4 管理员主要功能需求    5
2.1.5 系统整体主要功能模块    6
2.2 系统整体流程图    6
3 系统开发环境和技术    8
3.1 系统开发环境    8
3.1.1 硬件平台    8
3.1.2 软件平台    8
3.2 技术介绍与分析    8
3.2.1 JSP技术    8
3.2.2 Tomcat服务器    9
3.2.3 开发工具Eclipse    9 Java+sqlserver在线租车系统的设计:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_21725.html