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时间:2018-09-26 18:27来源:毕业论文

关键词  Kinect人体检测  图像数据获取  骨骼采集  事件方法  坐标转换
Title    Design and Implementation of Human Detection System  Based on Kinect                                     
Recently,with the rapid development of the field of computer vision and rising user demand,the research on detection and tracking of human targets become more and more important,the technology of detection and recognition play an important role in it.As we all know, with the emergence of Kinect,the technology of detecting human targets has brought new hope.Because of the Kinect can easily obtain accurate depth graphics besides the information of traditional cameras, and the light of context and human’s clothes do not have any influence in the identification process,it make the accurate identification and examination of the body has been effectively improved. In this paper,we extract the depth of image data, the color image data as well as dates of human bones by using Kinect camera,and then have some treatments on the every data stream.At last, when the body is at a distance of Kinect1.2 meters to 3,5 meters (the body may not be recognized outside the valid range) scene, the body can be detected and displayed on the screen.
Among the process of Extracting the data flow of depth and the data flow of bones,we have chosen one method  from the method of event and “pull” in order to simplify the code and reduce abnormal.
While dealing with the skeletal data stream, our data have been converted from the bone coordinate system to the coordinate system of depth.
Keywords  Kinect  image acquisition  skeleton collection  method of enent 
 coordinate transformation
目   次
1  绪论    1
1.1研究背景及意义    1
1.2 国内外研究现状以及Kinect的实际应用    2
1.3技术难点    3
1.3.1 获取数据方法的选择与使用    3
1.3.2 如何获取关节进行跟踪,并且在界面以骨架模式显示出来    3
1.4 论文结构安排    3
2  Kinect传感器    4
2.1自然用户的接口(NUI)    4
2.2 Kinect传感器的硬件组成    4
2.3 Kinect SDK介绍    5 基于Kinect的人体检测系统设计与实现:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_23468.html