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时间:2018-11-15 11:34来源:毕业论文
设计和实现了PC侧的短消息系统控制框架,主要包括在PC侧读取联系人列表,读取和发送sms信息等功能。通过Java GUI语言实现可完成对sms会话和通讯录操作的应用程序界面

摘要随着智能终端应用的日益广泛,终端与PC 机的交互不再仅仅停留在简单的U盘模式上,而是需要更为深入的交互,用户可以通过PC侧软件对手机应用进行个性化管理,因此需要有与移动终端配合的PC侧软件,实现与移动终端的通信与控制、管理功能。30278
(3)设计和实现了PC侧的短消息系统控制框架,主要包括在PC侧读取联系人列表,读取和发送sms信息等功能。通过Java GUI语言实现可完成对sms会话和通讯录操作的应用程序界面。
关键词  Android  ADB工具  Socket编程  数据交互
Title      Design and Implementation of PC Side Short      
 Message Control for Android              
As smart phones are applied increasingly and widely, the interaction of phones and PC is no longer just stay in a simple flash drive mode, but needs more in-depth interaction.Users can carry out personalized management on phone applications by a PC-side software. Therefore, it needs  PC-side softwares which can cooperate with mobile phones, to implement features of communication and control,  management with mobile phones.
This topic via developing an Android server and the PC client, implement the function of sending and receiving short messages on the computer through the Android phone.What the paper focus on is as follows:
(1)This paper describes the relevant technical background on Android and the relevant technical knowledge of network programming, and how to obtain sms information and control sms send on the phone and so on.
(2) It analyses and researches use methods and related operating commands of ADB tool, as well as how to achieve the purpose of network data transmission by WIFI, etc. Besides, it completes the association of PC-side application and the phone server through socket programming, and plans and designs the protocol encoding format about interaction of PC side and the phone data, so that data can interact normally.
(3) It designs and implements PC-side short message system control framework, including functions of reading contact lists on PC side, reading and sending sms message. Through Java GUI language, it can complete the application interface to sms conversation and contacts operations.
Experimental results show that the system which this paper designs and implements can complete normally receive and send short messages on PC side.
Keywords  Android  ADB tool  Socket programming  Data conversation
目   次
1  引言1
1.1  课题背景和意义1
1.2  研究现状2
1.3  课题任务和研究内容2
1.4  论文组织结构3
2  Android及相关原理与技术5
2.1  Android 系统架构5
2.2  Android 应用程序结构6
2.2.1  META-INF 目录7
2.2.2  res 目录7
2.2.3  AndroidManifest.xml 文件7
2.2.4  classes.dex 文件7
2.2.5  resources.arsc 文件8 基于Android的PC侧短消息控制的设计:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_25913.html