Title The Information Exchange Platform For Teachers And Students
Based on the Web application has been more and more popular, allowing students to use the software development tools for the design of a Web based on teachers and students information exchange platform , teachers use this platform to publish courseware, notice and other information. Including the user registration, login and personal information management, students' learning behavior in the implementation of comprehensive practice, backstage management, curriculum information release function, students use this platform to browse, Download software. Through this platform, students can be effectively realized how through the programming of client and server communications and data management server.
After the analysis, user security, such as file transfer is the difficulty in this system. The system has the administrator module, the student teacher module, module three modules, the main functions of the system include: teaching content management, operations management, online Q & a management, database management, bulletin management, log management, the function of these design make the website function is complete, easy to use, strong interactivity. Teachers and students information exchange platform for the students to provide an online learning environment for teachers of the course, providing a friendly teaching platform, in order to improve the teaching quality and teaching efficiency to provide an effective way. At the same time as the school curriculum construction adds a force.
Keywords: Computer courses; Teaching platform; Java; B / S model
目 录
1 绪 论 6
1.1教师学生信息交流平台概述 6
2 开发工具综述 8
2.2 TOMCAT简介 8
2.3 JSP编程简介 9
2.4 MYSQL编程简介 9
2.5 B/S结构介绍 9
2.6 JAVA简介 10
2.7 JDBC简介 11
3 系统需求分析与总体设计 12
3.1可行性分析 12
3.2需求分析 12
3.3系统总体设计 14
3.4 数据库设计 15
4 系统详细设计 23
4.1 系统登陆模块设计 23
4.2 模块设计 25
5 教师学生信息交流平台的测试 36
5.1测试目的 36 JSP教师学生信息交流平台的开发与实现+ER图:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_2927.html