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时间:2019-01-27 11:16来源:毕业论文

摘要随着网络技术的不断革新,我们一般的网络都采用了CSMA/CD[ ] [ ],其很难去实现工业上对于实时性的要求,因此我们必须对它进行优化修改。本次课题研究的EtherCAT协议技术就是解决工业网络实时性的非常好的一种方案,在EtherCAT系统中,当数据经过从站的时候,有FMMU单元对数据控制[ ],在数据帧通过的时候直接读取或者写入对应地址的相关数据,这样就很好的解决了传输中的延迟[ ]。同时在同步方面采用了IEEE1588协议定义的精确同步机制[ ] [ ],使EtherCAT的性能得到进一步的提高,在工业领域也得到了很好的应用。33112
本次研究主要了解ethercat在工业上的运用,因为Ethercat通信在工业控制上的优势十分明显,因此这一技术的深入研究将是工业管理模式和智能机器控制的一种发展方向,ethercat在实时性与确定性上表现都很突出,本次我们将熟悉ethercat数据报文、寻址 方式和主站与从站之间的数据传送过程,在linux系统下设计ethercat协议主站的驱动程序,主要是通过上网查找资料以及老师学长帮助解答问题,还有在老师学长帮助下进行ethercat通讯实验进行相关研究,通过ethercat协议主站发送报文给从站从而控制电机转动,让电机能够准确的执行主站所发送的操作指令,实现实时通讯控制。
Title        The  development  of  industrial  real-time  protocol  EtherCAT
With the innovation of new network technology, our general network are adopted CSMA/CD, it's hard to realize the industry to the requirement of real-time, so we must optimize the it changes. The research of the EtherCAT protocol technology is very good a solutions to industrial network real time, in the EtherCAT system, when the data passed from station, has FMMU units to control  data, at the time of data frame through directly read or written to the corresponding address of the relevant data, it is good to solve the transmission delay of the. Also adopted IEEE1588 protocol defined in terms of synchronization precise synchronization mechanism, the EtherCAT performance was further improved, also got very good application in industry.
This research mainly about ethercat used in industry, because the ethercat communications the advantage in industrial control is very obvious, so the further study of this technology will be the industrial management mode and a developing direction of intelligent machine control, ethercat in real-time and deterministic performance are very outstanding, this we will be familiar with the ethercat data message, addressing mode and process of data transmission between master station and slave station under Linux system design of the main driver ethercat protocol, mainly in accessing information via the Internet and students in the teacher to help answer questions, and for students in teacher to help ethercat communications experiment research, through ethercat protocol to send a message to the main station to control motor rotation, make motor can accurate instructions sent in the execution of the master station, communication control in real time.
Keywords  EtherCAT, Real-time Ethernet,FMMU,The real time,the certainty,master,slave
目   次
1  绪论    1
1.1 背景及课题的意义    1
1.2  EtherCAT的特点    2
1.3  国内外研究现状    2
1.4  主要研究内容    3
2  EtherCAT通讯协议研究    4
2.1  工业以太网    4
2.1.1  基于TCP/IP的实时工业以太网    5
2.1.2  基于PROFINET的实时工业以太网    6 工业实时EtherCAT通讯协议开发:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_30014.html