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时间:2019-04-16 20:14来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:网络;作业提交;JSP; B/S结构
Design of homework submission system on the Internet
Abstract: With the further development of network technology, all kinds of information technology is gradually replacing our traditional way of life. Shopping, travel, work, entertainment and other daily life are gradually tend to information and network of the form. Impact on the education industry is also obvious, from the introduction of the original multimedia equipment to the implementation of the school computer room management system, teachers' teaching methods and students' learning methods have become persified. The traditional way of manual submission is not only time-consuming and labor-intensive, but also the demand for paper resources is also growing. In order to solve the problem of paperless publication and submission of the homework so designed and developed the system of homework submission. The system is a internet-based homework management system, using B/S structure can facilitate the use of the user and the maintenance of the developer. Front page using JSP development language and JavaScript scripting language, background using SqlServer as a database management system. With the convenience and efficiency of the Internet, the system can achieve the homework information transfer quickly and accurately, but also to facilitate the management of teachers and students to submit the homework.
Key words: internet ;homework submission; JSP ; B/S structure

摘要    1
关键词    1
一、绪论    2
(一)研究背景    2
(二)研究意义    2
二、系统需求及可行性分析    2
(一)需求分析    2
(二)系统功能需求    3
1.系统功能    3
2.学生模块功能    3
3.教师模块功能    3
4.管理员模块功能    3
(三)可行性分析    3
1.技术可行性    3
2.经济可行性    3
3.操作可行性    3
三、系统功能设计    4
(一)总体结构设计    4
1.系统设计原则    4
2.系统工作流程    4
(二)系统功能流程    5
1.教师模块功能流程    5
2.学生模块功能流程    5
3.管理员模块功能流程    6
(三)数据库分析与设计    7
1.概念结构设计    7
2.逻辑结构设计    9
3.数据库连接    12
四、系统功能实现    12 jsp+SqlServer网络作业提交系统设计+源代码:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_32161.html