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时间:2019-08-17 17:50来源:毕业论文
手机销售系统依照电子商务的业务流程,基于B/S模式并使用ASP.NET技术和SQL Server 2008数据库技术结合使用,遵循软件设计的完整流程,进行设计与实现的

摘要:    互联网正在以十分快速的速度蓬勃发展着,并且已经成为了与报纸,广播,电视相比肩甚至更加流行的媒体形式,主要是由于其比较起传统媒体有非常大的优势,譬如多媒体的应用,信息的交互,便捷,快速的传播等,正使互联网在与它相关领域中向着起到主导作用的方向发展着。电子商务(E-Business)的概念就是随着网络的蓬勃发展从而被人们所了解。38593
然而手机这个作为21世纪的通信宠儿来说,其发展速度可以说是电子设备中的佼佼者。更新换代的速度相当频繁,也带来了较大的不便在人们日常选购的过程中,于是,网上就纷纷涌现出各种各样的网上交易平台,即解决这个问题的很好方案正是电子商务。足不出户就可以最快的掌握市场变化,满足自己对手机的购买需求。本手机销售系统依照电子商务的业务流程,基于B/S模式并使用ASP.NET技术和SQL Server 2008数据库技术结合使用,遵循软件设计的完整流程,进行设计与实现的。
毕业论文关键词:    ASP.NET  SQL Server  手机销售,电子商务
Design and implementation of mobile phone sales papers
Abstract:     Internet is growing at a very fast pace with booming,And has become the newspaper, radio, television compared to shoulder even more popular forms of media,Mainly due to its relatively from traditional media has a very big advantage, such as multimedia applications, information interactive, convenient and fast dissemination,And it is making the Internet relevant areas play a leading role in the direction toward developing. The concept of e-commerce (E-Business) is with the vigorous development of the network so as to be understood.
However, the mobile phone as a communication darling of the 21st century, its growth rate can be said to be the leader in the electronic device. Replacement rate is quite frequent, but also brought greater inconvenience in people's daily purchase process, therefore, have emerged on the Internet a variety of online trading platform, the solution to this problem is the great scheme e-commerce. Homes can grasp the fastest changes in the market for mobile phones to satisfy their purchasing needs. The handset sale system in accordance with the e-commerce business processes, based on B / S mode and use ASP.NET technology and SQL Server 2008 database technologies used to follow the complete process of software design, design and implementation.
Keywords:    ASP.NET;SQL Server; Handset sale;electronic commerce
摘要    i
Abstract    i
目录    iii
1    绪论    1
1.1    课题背景    1
1.2    课题研究的意义    1
1.3    国内外课题概况及发展趋势    2
2    分析    4
2.1    课题内容分析    4
2.2    可行性分析    5
2.2.1    管理可行性分析    5
2.2.2    技术可行性分析    5
2.2.3    经济可行性分析    6
2.3    业务流程分析    6
2.4    数据流程分析    7
2.4.1    购物车流程分析    7
2.4.2    订单流程分析    7
2.5    需求分析    7
2.5.1    角色定义分析    7
2.5.2    功能规格分析    9
2.5.3    功能模块分析    11
2.5.4    客户网站使用分析    12 asp.net+sqlserver手机销售系统设计与实现论文:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_37600.html