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时间:2019-10-25 18:11来源:毕业论文

摘要:本论文讨论了高校学生理财系统的建设,从可行性分析、需求分析、概要设计、详细设计和测试等各方面探讨分析了WEB环境下的高校学生理财系统的开发。该系统基于Web环境和B/S结构设计。本项目利用软件工程原理,采用面向对象的编程方法,其开发主要包括后台数据库的建立、文护以及前端应用程序开发,实现了学生记账的自动化和信息化以及图形化。系统开发采用C#编程语言进行程序的编写,以Visual Studio 2010、SQL Server 2008为开发工具,采用B/S框架开发的网站模式的网站系统。高校学生理财系统提供了用户信息管理,收支信息管理,存款信息管理,借款信息管理,投资管理等主要功能。41265
The Design and Development of
College Student Financial Management System
Abstract:    The paper discussed the construction of College student financial management system and analyzed the development of College student financial management system under the environment of WEB from the view of feasibility analysis, demand analysis, general design and detailed design and testing. The system is based on the environment of WEB and B/S structural design. The project utilized the principles of software engineering and the method of object-oriented programming, which mainly included the development and maintenance of backend database as well as the front-end application development, with the realization of automation, informatization and graphicalization of students’ billing. Programming was conducted by using the C# programming language in the  system development and Visual Studio 2010, SQL Server 2008  were used as developing tools. The website system was developed in the website model with the B/S framework . The university students' financial management system provided the major functions of users’ information management, revenue and expenditure management, deposit management, loan management, investment management and others.
Key Words:    Financial management; Expenditure management; ASP.NET
摘要    i
Abstract    i
目录    ii
1    绪论    1
1.1    课题与开发背景    1
1.1.1    课题的背景    1
1.1.2    开发系统的目的    1
1.1.3    开发系统的意义    2
1.2    国内外研究现状    2
1.2.1    国内的状况研究    2
1.2.2    国外的状况研究    2
2    系统开发技术介绍    3
2.1    管理系统介绍    3
2.2    ASP.NET框架    4
2.3    B/S框架    5
2.4    数据库技术    6
3    系统分析    7
3.1    需求分析    7
3.1.1    系统目标    7
3.1.2    系统性能需求    7
3.2    可行性分析    8
3.2.1    需求可行性分析    8
3.2.2    技术可行性分析    8
3.2.3    操作可行性分析    9
3.2.4    经济可行性分析    9
3.3    系统功能模块设计    9
3.3.1    登录模块    10
3.3.2    用户信息管理模块    10
3.3.3    收支信息管理模块    10 asp.net+sqlserver高校学生理财系统的设计与开发:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_41279.html