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时间:2020-03-11 20:28来源:毕业论文

With the rapid development of China's economy, people are increasingly demanding material life, people's purchasing power is also growing, so the country there were many large shopping malls and supermarkets, shopping malls and supermarkets which have a large number of customers, in order better, easier to manage, and to develop more customer groups, these shopping malls and supermarkets will launch its own members points system.
Meanwhile, with the increasing update of information technology, information management convenience, efficiency has been recognized by more and more people, was born member integral management system, which is designed to help large-scale shopping malls and supermarkets to large customer base more efficient management, to secure their volume of customers at the same time, the use of some members of preferential policies to attract more customers.
Member integral management system provides a valid membership information management, product information management, member integral management, customers are able to earn points by buying goods system to members of the integral calculated in real time, support redeem gifts, to ensure that customers in real time to know their consumption as well as check points, but also to ensure the mall to keep abreast of consumer consumption, in order to make timely adjustments and the development of new market system of preferences.
Key words:Member; integration; shopping malls; members of management; WEB development
 目  录
第一章  绪论    1
1.1系统开发的背景    1
1.2系统研究的意义    1
1.3系统主要工作    2
1.4论文结构    2
第二章  系统的需求分析    3
2.1综合描述    3
2.1.1系统的前景    3
2.1.2用户及用户特征    3
2.2功能需求    3
2.2.1功能划分    3
2.2.2功能描述    4
2.3非功能需求    4
2.3.1性能需求    4
2.3.2用户界面需求    5
2.3.3软硬件需求    5
第三章  系统设计    6
3.1系统的功能模块    6
3.2系统的数据库设计    6
3.3系统用例的设计    10
第四章  系统的具体实现    12 jsp商场会员积分管理系统设计+源代码:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_48132.html