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时间:2020-05-21 20:10来源:毕业论文

摘要:20世纪90年代,国家经济发展得非常迅速,信息化水平逐渐提高,计算机技术被应用到了社会的各个领域。人事管理一直是公司管理中一个重要的组成部分。随着企业员工人数的不断增加,企业的规模不断扩大,企业的人事管理变得越来越重要,同时也变得越来越复杂。人事管理既涉及公司的财务管理,也涉及公司的人员管理,可见企业人事管理对于一个公司来说至关重要。本系统使用Browser/Server结构(浏览器和服务器结构),开发语言使用Java,环境使用Tomcat,并且选择微软公司的SQL Server 2005作为后台数据库。本课题的目标是设计并且实现一个企业人事管理系统。本系统通过不同权限的账号登录来实现不同的管理模块。本系统的功能有登陆密码的修改,企业部门、培训的管理操作以及职工基本信息、工资、考勤等管理操作,本系统还实现了系统日志管理,追踪登录用户的操作,来更加有效率地进行公司的人事管理。49280


 Design and Implementation of Enterprise Personnel Management System

Abstract: In the 1990s, the national economy is developing very rapidly, and gradually increase the level of information technology, computer technology has been applied to all areas of society. Personnel management has been the management of the company is an important component. With the increasing number of enterprise employees, size of the business expanding, the company's personnel management is becoming increasingly important, and also becoming increasingly complex. Personnel management involves both company's financial management, personnel management also involves the company's visible enterprise personnel management is essential for a company. The system uses Browser / Server Architecture (browser and server architecture), to develop language Java, environment Tomcat, and select the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 database as a background. The subject goal is to design and implement a personnel management system. The account login through different permissions to achieve different management module. Function of this system have to modify the login password, the corporate sector, training management operations as well as workers' basic information, salary, attendance, and other management operations, the system also enables the system log management, tracking logged-on user operations to more efficiently carry out the company's personnel management.

Keywords: Enterprise personnel management;JSP;Tomcat;SQL;Java 

目  录

第1章  绪论 1

1.1 研究目的和意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.2.1 国内发展情况 1

1.2.2 国外发展情况 2

1.3 本文研究内容及主要贡献 2

第2章 开发技术 3

2.1 JAVA技术 3

2.2 B/S结构 3

2.3 TOMCAT服务器 3


2.5 JSP 3

2.6 开发环境 4

第3章  需求分析 5

3.1 问题分析 5

3.2 任务概述 5

3.3 可行性研究 5

3.3.1技术可行性: 5

3.3.2经济可行性: jsp+sqlserver企业人事管理系统设计与实现:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_52232.html
