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时间:2020-06-02 19:50来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词: 管理系统,园区,后台,信息,管理

The development of park management system based 

on the HTML5,Jquery,PC adaptation

Abstract: The content of the subject of the study is based on HTML5 and jQuery park management system backstage management part, there are six users for this system: the system administrator, sales department, customer service department, development department, finance department, sales director. User login with a six interface, through the role of judging user interface should contain the function. The system administrator user has permissions of all roles, the use function is mainly management function, including Park basic information management, lease management, customer management, payment management, statistical statements, system settings, the park management. The function of the system administrator can set permissions assigned to each role. For example, the system administrator can the permissions of the roles of the distribution and sales department for park information release and view; park, storied building, floor, housing information maintenance (Sales) and the lease contract registration and management, customer tracking (Sales). Can also be assigned to the role of the finance department is the payment management and so on.

 Keywords: Management System, Park ,Background,Information,Management


摘要 i

Abstract i

1 绪论 1

1.1国内外研究现状 1

1.2研究背景和意义 1

1.3技术背景 2

1.3.1  SpringMvc 2

1.3.2  Spring 2

1.3.3  Hibernate 2

1.3.4  MySQL 3

1.3.5  Javascript 3

1.3.6  Velocity 3

1.3.7  CSS3 3

1.3.8  Html5 3

1.4用户特点 4

1.5项目目标 4

2 需求分析 5

2.1应用环境 5

2.1.1 系统运行的网络环境 5

2.1.2 系统运行的硬件环境 5

2.1.3 系统运行的软件环境 6

2.2 功能规格 6

2.2.1 角色定义 6

2.2.2 系统主要用例图 基于HTML5及JQUERY的PC端自适应园区管理系统的开发:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_53540.html
