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时间:2020-08-15 17:34来源:毕业论文




Abstract:Since the computer as a game platform, various board games have mushroomed out. Makes those who love chess, and often do not have the Jimi opponents will be able to keep a full game addiction. Gobang game and its rules are simple, making love by the public. 

Gobang can not only enhance people's ability to abstract thinking, logical reasoning, spatial imagination and enhancing people's memory, mental arithmetic ability, but also with deep philosophical, self-help and support. It has easy to learn the characteristics of the eye and ear, other esoteric skills. Can organize the masses of competitions, activities, but also organized a high level of international competition. 

Gobang game based on the merits of the above, the development of Gobang is a very valuable subject. The system is fully functional, easy to learn, hands and both mental and physical characteristics. Especially games at the same time, there are sound effects with them to games more interesting and full of fun. Application of this system is mainly valuation function, the negative Maxima search algorithm, such as Alpha-Beta search algorithm to complete the function of the realization of human chessboard. ful entertainment.

Key words:Gobang  C#:  Human Chessboard

目  录

1  绪论 4

1.1 课题背景 4

1.2 黑白棋介绍 4

1.3 目的和意义 6

1.4 系统设计思想 6

2 人机对弈算法研究 7

2.1 Alpha-Beta搜索 7

2.2 置换表(Transposition Table) 8

2.3 哈希表(Hash Table) 8

3 黑白棋游戏功能设计 9

3.1 总体设计过程 9

3.2 数据结构定义和算法设计 10

3.3 系统模块设计 12

4 功能模块的实现 12

4.1 简单功能的实现 12

4.2 系统主要功能的实现 13

结  论 20

参考文献 21

致谢 22

第1章 绪论

1.1 课题背景

计算机技术的发展,使得计算机在现代企业、家庭中得以普及,应用计算机成为现代人生活中非常重要的一部分。大到政府办公、教育事业、商业活动,小到生活中的每一个细节。随着社会进步的节奏越来越快,人们的生活压力也越来越大。每天奔波于不同的目的地,忙得没有时间和朋友见面,忙得想找个释放压力的机会都没有。这个时候,你是不是非常希望有个游戏,能够陪你轻松愉快度过周末。自从计算机作为游戏对战平台以来,各种棋类游戏如雨后春笋般纷纷冒出。使得那些喜爱下棋,又常常苦于没有对手的棋迷们能随时过足棋瘾,而且这类软件大都水平颇高,大有与人脑分庭抗礼之势。其中战胜过国际象棋世界冠军-卡斯帕罗夫的“深蓝”便是最具说服力的代表。黑白棋是一种受大众广泛喜爱的游戏,其规则简单,变化多端,非常富有趣性和消遣性。同时具有简单易学、既动手又动脑的特点。 C#黑白棋游戏软件的设计与实现+源代码:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_58245.html
