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时间:2021-04-21 19:56来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词  局部路径规划  扇区曲率法  Morphin算法


Title    Local Obstacle Avoidance Under the Environment  Of Unstructured Road                              


Path planning is one of the key missions of autonomous navigation. As far as the path planning technology has developed, many excellent algorithms have been proposed. This paper introduced several common global and local path planning algorithms whose advantages and disadvantages were pointed out. Additionally, this paper introduced the classical beam curvature method and the improved Beam Curvature Method. This paper also bring valuation function into morphin algorithms which makes the path searching direction easier to tend to target. This paper used the sliding window algorithm to adjust the size of the window by the speed of autonomous land vehicle. Under the ensurance of driving safety, we can reduce the search area and avoid the obstacle effectively.

Keywords  local path planning  beam curvature method  morphin algorithm

目  录

1  绪论 1

1.1  移动机器人的应用及研究意义 1

1.2  移动机器人自主导航与路径规划 1

1.3  全局路径规划 2

1.3.1 图搜索法 2

1.3.2  基于RoadMap的方法 2

1.3.3  栅格法 3

1.4  局部路径规划 4

1.4.1  人工势场法 4

1.4.2  VFH算法 5

1.4.3  模糊逻辑算法 5

1.4.4  启发式搜索算法 5

1.4.5  基于滚动窗口的算法 6

1.5  本文的组织安排 6

2  机器人的软硬件体系结构 7

2.1  机器人的软件体系结构 7

2.2  机器人的硬件体系结构 8

2.2.1  车体运动学模型 8

2.2.2  视觉传感器 8

2.2.3  超声波传感器 9

2.2.4  激光传感器 10

3  速度空间寻优方法及改进 10

3.1  常见的速度空间寻优方法 10

3.2  环境表示的网格和几何表示 10

3.2.1  网格和路边的表示 11

3.2.2  智能车速度空间上的移动障碍物预测 Morphin算法面向非结构化道路环境的局部避障方法:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_73759.html
