毕业论文关键词:毕业设计管理 Java 留言板 MySQL
Design and Implementation of Graduation Design Management System
Graduation design is an important part in the college. The biggest problem of the management is that many students can’t have a face-to-face communication with their teachers because of practice sessions. But, many colleges still manage graduation designs by traditional labors. Therefore, a system should be designed to improve the efficiency and solve the problem of communications between teachers and students.
The system is designed the language of Java. Meanwhile, it develops with MyEclipse and the background database uses MySQL.The system mainly built a platform for the students and teachers to communicate with each other. The students can submit some files and send a message to teachers to ask some questions. The teachers can know the schedules of the students’ graduation designs. Also, the teachers can send messages to help the students solve their problems and tell them the problems they will face.
Therefore, this system can resolve the problems of communications and build a communication bridge between teachers and students. If so, the students outside can know what the teachers suggest. Meanwhile, it will be convenient for students to raise questions and improve the efficiency of management.
Key Words: graduation design management Java message board MySQL
目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1 选题背景 1
1.2 选题意义 1
1.3 系统特色 2
2 开发工具及环境介绍 3
2.1 Java语言 3
2.2 B/S模式 3
2.3 MySQL数据库 3
2.4 Tomcat简介 3
2.5 本章小结 4
3 系统分析 5
3.1 系统目标 5
3.2 系统可行性分析 5
3.3 系统功能结构分析 6
3.4 系统用例图 6
3.5 本章小结 7
4 数据库设计 8
4.1 概念模型设计 java+mysql毕业设计管理系统的设计与实现:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_77667.html