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时间:2022-02-06 20:29来源:毕业论文

摘要在传统的实验教学中,一般会选用计算机为主要工具进行当堂教学,学生会出现不能当堂完成实验,教师无法准确的得知学生对数据库实验的掌握状况,导致出现教师和学生之间缺乏交流沟通等一系列情况。教师课后通过学生手写的实验报告记录学生的实验成绩,费时费力。学生也无法立刻知道自己完成实验的成绩和教师的对自己的意见,这样会影响到学生对实验教学的热情和积极性,从而降低了学习效率。为了数据库实验教能够得到有效便捷的管理,运用B/S模式,Java语言,SQL Server2005设计了《数据库系统原理》实验教学管理平台。77679


毕业论文关键词:实验教学  B/S模式   管理平台

"Database System Principles"Design and Implementation of Experimental Teaching Management Platform 

Abstract    In traditional experimental teaching in general will choose a computer as the main tool when the Church teaching, students will appear when the Church can not complete the experiment, teachers can not be accurately informed that students master the situation,, experimental database,resulting in a lack of communication and a series of cases between teachers and students。After-school teachers through student written lab reports record student test scores, time-consuming。Students can not immediately know the results of the experiment yourself and teachers for their views, which will affect the students experiment teaching passion and enthusiasm, which reduces the efficiency of learning。In order to test the database can be effectively taught convenient management, the use of B / S model, Java language, SQL Server2005 design of the "Principles of Database Systems" experimental teaching management platform。

     This experimental teaching management platform and open use of the network to provide information and can easily experiment teaching for students of management,enables upload and download teaching materials, student test scores inquiries, student online message and other functions,this can effectively improve the students' enthusiasm for experimental database to facilitate the management of teachers on the database Experiment。

Key Words: Experiment teaching  B/S mode  management platform

目  录

第1章 绪论 1

1。1 系统开发背景和现状 1

1。2 系统设计目的和特点 1

1。3 本文研究内容及主要贡献 2

第2章 开发工具及环境简介 3

2。1 JAVA简介 3

2。2 Web应用程序开发环境-JSP技术 3

2。3 SQL Server2005简介 3


第3章 系统分析 5

3。1 系统可行性分析 5

3。2 系统功能结构分析 5

3。3 数据库设计 6

3。3。1 概念模型设计 6

3。3。2 逻辑模型设计 7

3。4 本章小结 13 《数据库系统原理》实验教学管理平台的设计与实现:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_89289.html
