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时间:2022-02-15 22:22来源:毕业论文

摘 要:随着人类社会逐步进入网络信息时代,越来越多的人开始接触网络认识网络这个大平台。可以说网络与每个人的生活都息息相关,它正在改变我们的工作方式与生活方式。如今大部分的青年男女都因为忙于工作,没有空闲多余的时间和精力来寻找自己心仪的另一半,慢慢剩男剩女的比例也在逐年增加。而且现在的青年人好面子普遍认为家长介绍的相亲方式或者去婚姻介绍所咨询的相亲方式比较守旧,根本达不到自己预期的效果。而网络这个虚拟平台,大大降低了大部分人群的困扰与顾虑,可以让大家更加放松,更加开放的表现自己及与对方沟通。加上网络运营方一些合理的相亲流程,婚庆网的应用前景越来越广泛。本系统主要是相亲模块,其中包括了用户注册和登录,用户信息的管理,缘分搜索,添加好友,发送站内信等功能。本系统主要目的是减少相亲烦琐事宜、拉近彼此距离,提高婚庆网站管理效率。78005

毕业论文关键词: 相亲网站,ASP。Net, SqlServer

Abstract:As human society gradually entered the era of network information, more and more people begin to contact the network and to understand the network platform。。It can be said that the network is closely related to everyone's life, and it is changing the way we work and live。Now most of the young men and women are in because of busy work, no free extra time and effort to find their favorite of the other half, slowly left the proportion of men and women also increased year by year。And now the young people a good face is generally considered the parents to introduce a blind date or to introduce the marriage counseling approach is more conservative, simply can not reach their desired results。And the network this virtual platform, greatly reducing the majority of the crowd and concerns, can make you more relaxed, more open to the performance of their own and communicate with each other。Plus some reasonable network operators dating process, we are more optimistic about the prospects of the wedding network。 The system is mainly a blind module, which includes user registration and login, user information management, fate search, add friends, send a letter in the station, and other functions。The main purpose of this system is to reduce the blind trivial matters, to narrow the distance between each other, improve the management efficiency of the wedding site。

Keywords: Dating Website,ASP。Net, SqlServer

目   录

1 引言 4

1。1 项目背景 4

1。2 婚庆网开发意义 5

1。3 论文组织结构 5

2 系统需求分析 5

2。1 系统设计目标 5

2。2 可行性分析 5

2。3 系统需求分析 6

3 数据库设计 10

3。1 数据库需求 10

3。2 数据库功能描述 10

3。3 数据库设计 11

3。4 数据库E-R图 13

4 婚庆网设计的实现 13

4。1 前台模块设计 13

4。2 后台模块设计 20

4。3 问题与解决方法 25

5 软件测试 27

5。1 软件测试的必要性 ASP.Net+SqlServer婚庆网的设计+源代码+ER图:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_89767.html
