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时间:2022-04-14 22:53来源:毕业论文

摘要2007 年谷歌推出 Android 手机操作系统,经过将近十年的发展,截止到 2015 年 底,Andriod 操作系统占据了手机市场 80%的份额,成为了当下最火的手机操作系统, 也宣告了智能手机时代的到来,现如今手机成为人们生活中不可或缺的一部分,手机 的应用软件也越来越丰富,功能越来越强大,手机相册便是其中之一。79876

本课题设计的是一款基于安卓操作系统下具有多功能的手机相册,能够实现本地 搜索图片、高效展示大图、缩放拖动图片、幻灯片播放、图片特效处理、相机拍照等 功能。用户可以在手机上就可以自然流畅欣赏和处理图片,回顾过往美好的瞬间。

本文开头首先简单介绍了手机相册的课题背景和国内外一些具有代表性的几款 手机相册,接着分析了系统设计的需求,要达成的目标和过程中遇到的问题,其次就 是系统的详细设计和实现,本文分别从物理和逻辑方面,构建了课题总体设计的大概 轮廓,将课题分为了三大模块:图片展示模块,图片特效处理模块,相机拍照模块, 最后对各个模块功能的设计做了详细的说明;实现了系统图片的浏览、展示、缩放、 播放、滤镜、拍照等功能。


Abstract Google launched the Android mobile phone operating system since 2007, after several years of development, the Android mobile phone operating system became the most popular mobile operating system, along with the advent of the era of smart phones, mobile phones become an indispensable part of people's life, the mobile phone application software is becoming more and more rich, more and more powerful, mobile phone photo album is one of them。

This topic is based on the Android operating system under the design of a multifunctional mobile phone photo albums, can realize local search images, efficient displays a larger image, drag zoom pictures, slides, pictures, special effects processing, photos, etc。 Users can phone images, can be processed in natural appreciation and review past happy moments。

The beginning of the article first briefly introduced the mobile phone photo album topic background and the domestic and foreign some typical several phone photo album, and then analyzes the demand of the system design, to achieve the goals and the problems encountered in the process, the second is the system detailed design and implementation of this literature respectively from the aspects of physical and logical, constructed the overall design of the project outline, the subject is pided into three modules: image display module, photo effects processing module, camera photo module, finally the design of each module function made detailed instructions; Ensure that the system can realize the following functions: image browsing, display, zoom, broadcast, filter and take photos。

Keywords: Photo album; Pictures; Android


第 1 章 绪论 1

1。1  系统开发背景 1

1。2  国内外研究现状 1

1。3 课题的主要目的 2

1。4  本文的组织结构 2

第 2 章 需求分析 3

2。1 总体业务描述 3

2。2 系统目标和需要解决的问题 3

2。3 系统需求分析 4

2。3。1 系统功能性需求 5

2。3。2 系统非功能性需求 7

第 3 章 系统设计 Android相册特效播放系统设计与开发:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_92600.html
