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时间:2017-06-23 12:34来源:毕业论文
操作系统上使用Eclipse作为前台的开发工具,以SQL Server 2008作为后台的数据库。通过Java编程语言取得与SQL Server 2008数据库的连接,运用JDBC和Java Swing技术以MVC设计模式实现系统模块各项功

本系统采用C/S结构,在Windows 7操作系统上使用Eclipse作为前台的开发工具,以SQL Server 2008作为后台的数据库。通过Java编程语言取得与SQL Server 2008数据库的连接,运用JDBC和Java Swing技术以MVC设计模式实现系统模块各项功能。系统模块分别为:系统管理、资产信息管理、资产还借管理、账户管理、职员管理以及帮助。
 [关键词]:企业固定资产信息管理;Java Swing;C/S架构 Abstract
With the development of economy of Guangzhou, fixed assets of Guangzhou enterprises have expanded their scale. How to manage fixed assets effectively becomes a work that can not be ignored to enterprise. In recent years, most Guangzhou enterprises have paid more attention to the investment to fixed assets. However, the expanding scale and increasing amount of fixed assets result in which traditional manual management of fixed assets can not adapt to the development requirements of enterprise in new era. The manual management of fixed assets exists many shortcomings, such as low efficiency, slow update speed, poor confidentiality of information. With the increasing computer science and technology, we can achieve a informational securing and efficient fixed assets management information system, which can make enterprise improve work efficiency and increase economic efficiency.
The system uses C / S structure, using Eclipse as foreground development tool on Windows 7 and operating system to SQL Server 2008 as the back-end database. Get connected with the SQL Server 2008 database through the Java programming language, the system uses JDBC and Java Swing technology in order to achieve module functions. System module are: system management, asset information management, asset management also took account management, staff management and help.
[Key Words]:Enterprise fixed assets information management; Java Swing; C / S structure
 目    录
摘  要    I
1 绪论    1
1.1系统设计与开发的背景    1
1.2系统设计与开发的意义    1
1.3国内外研究状况    2
1.4论文结构层次    3
2 相关技术    3
2.1 系统开发工具    3
2.2 基于C/S架构模式    4
2.3运行环境    4
3 系统分析    4
3.1系统可行性分析    4
3.1.1经济可行性    4
3.1.2操作可行性    5
3.1.3技术可行性    5
3.2系统业务流程分析    5
3.3系统数据流分析    6
4 系统设计    8
4.1系统设计目标    8
4.2系统功能结构设计    9
4.3数据库设计    10
4.3.1数据库逻辑设计    10
4.3.2系统实体间关系图    10
4.3.3数据库表设计    13
5 系统主要界面    14
5.1系统登录界面    14 企业固定资产信息管理系统:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_9793.html