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时间:2017-06-26 18:13来源:毕业论文

摘 要随着互联网科技在这新世纪的不断发展,管理信息系统也被广泛普及到各行各业。管理信息系统是一项不断进步的科技,任何一个行业或单位要生存发展,要更高效地管理内部组织活动,就必须使用与自身行业或企业特点相适应的管理信息系统。
 [关键词] : 教练员管理; Jsp;驾培管理系统
With the progress development of Internet technology in the new century, the management information system has been widely spread to all walks of life. Management information system is a constant progress of science and technology, any industry or a unit to the survival and development, to more efficiently manage internal organization activity, must be used with its own, adapt to the characteristics of the industry or business management information system.
Simply put the driving training management system is a simplified model of Web application -- -- -- -- -- of provide for the use of administrators and coaches is a management system. System administrators and coaches can complete function is different. Administrators need to complete the function of the administrator management part, student management part, coaches management part, the student training records management and query, and system Settings management part of function, the coaches have a trainee management, coaches, training records management and query, etc.
The driving system is used for development of JSP technology, and use MyEclipse as development tools, hope can basically achieve the needs of users. The most mainly because the JSP with the advantages of a run in all parts of the writing and the high quality tools support the advantages of the system.
[Key Words]:User management;Jsp; Driving training management system.
摘 要    I
Abstract    II
1 绪论    1
1.1研究背景    1
1.2研究意义    1
2 相关理论和技术    3
2.1 Java技术介绍    3
2.2 MyEclipse    3
2.3 JSP编程语言    3
3 系统分析    4
3.1功能需求分析    4
3.1.1登录    4
3.1.2管理员权限    4
3.1.3教练员    4
3.1.4学员管理    5
3.1.5学员培训记录和考核管理    5
3.2可行性分析    5
3.2.1经济上的可行性    5
3.2.2技术上的可行性    6
3.2.3管理上的可行性    6
3.3业务流程分析    6
3.3.1业务流程介绍    6
3.3.2数据流图    7
4 系统总体设计    8
4.1功能结构设计    8
4.1.1系统功能结构描述    8
4.1.2系统的功能结构图    8
4.2数据库设计    9
4.2.1系统E-R图    9
4.2.2系统数据表    9
5 系统实现    13
5.1登录    13 java驾培管理系统的设计与实现:http://www.youerw.com/jisuanji/lunwen_9888.html