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时间:2022-11-05 11:06来源:毕业论文

摘要在中国绝大部分工厂的车间里,提升重物一般都是采用电动葫芦、 起重机以及工业机械手等。但在许多场合,特别是在需要不时地搬运重 量较轻的工件,尤其对于需要精确定位的情况,如铸造程序中的下心、 合箱等等,不适合用一般的起重设备,工业机械手由于成本较高,常用 在生产自动线上或重复、单一的操作[1]。近年来,兴起了一种新型的起重 设备:平衡吊,其优点在于,擅长几十到几百千克零件的频繁定点吊运, 此特点在工业生产中起到了相当重要的作用。不过平衡吊最明显的优点 在于其结构简单轻便,操作简易灵活,起吊后除能作竖直升降运动外, 能 在水平面内作任意角度的回转运动,只需要轻轻手动推拉,就可使吊物 稳稳地停留在工作区内任意的位置上,达到随遇平衡[2]。本文主要阐述了 平衡吊随遇平衡的基本原理,详细分析了平衡吊达到平衡时杆系所要达 到的比例要求,并对其杆系的各节点进行了受力分析,得出了其水平与 竖直支撑点的受力与载荷大小多对应的关系,而后根据任务书的设计要 求对平衡吊的结构进行了设计,最后一章,对主要的受力元件作了静力 分析,确保了结构的合理性。85070


Abstract Transports the heavy item in the factory workshop, often all is uses the hoist crane, the telpher, the industry manipulator and so  on。  But  regarding needs the frequent hoisting, the work time short situation, like about engine bed work piece, installation work hoisting spare part, in assembly line fixed-point work and so on; Regarding the request quite pinpointing situation, like in the casting under core, gathers box and so on, the general hoisting equipments are not often suitable, the industry manipulator uses in producing from the generatrix in or the sole repetition operation, moreover the cost is high, the general workshop use are at present few。 In recent years, appeared one kind of new fixed point hoisting equipment “the balance hung”, was suitable in lifts frequently several dozens to several hundred kilogram work piece fixed points, played the extremely vital role in the industrial production, the structure which the balance hung has been simple, the operation  was nimble about, after the crane besides could do rises and falls, could make 360 degree gyroscopic motions in the horizontal plane, only needed gently on rollers, might cause to hang the thing steadily to pause as necessary in the position which cared for to pause, achieved the indifferent equilibrium。 This article elaborated the balance hangs the basic principle, and has carried on the analysis   and   the   research    to   its   equilibrium    condition   and   the      pole

department's balanced method, hung the structure to the balance to carry on the design calculation。

Key Words The balance hangs,Neutral Equilibrium,Mechanics analysis,Structural design


第一章 绪论 1

1。1  平衡吊的优点 1

1。2  我国平衡吊的产品概况 2

1。3  我国与国外差距 3

1。4  平衡吊未来的发展方向 3

第二章 平衡吊的平衡原理及平衡条件 1.0T固定式平衡吊设计设计+图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_101536.html
