毕业论文关键词: 码垛;机器人;直角坐标;建模
Design of the Stacking Robot’s mechanical structures
Abstract : as the most important device in the modern stacking system, the stacking ability of the stacking robot plays a key role in the stacking system. For an excellent palletizing robot, it can not only work independently in a complex environment and long-term, stable and perform high-intensity palletizing operations, but also easily incorporated as a subsystem of production equipment to complete production line control system for automatic control of all . With the rapid economic development and continuous technological innovation and industrial progress, in order to improve production efficiency and reduce the cost of production of industrial goods, warehouse automation applications increasingly widespread. In this paper, based on the desired three-dimensional storage function experimental system handling unit, laboratory procedures, robotic palletizing cell structure designed to complete the task. Palletizing robot unit with Cartesian robot structure type; drive method for the AC servo motor drive. The topics include palletizing robot cell design structural design, prototype unit palletizing robot palletizing robot simulation and analysis of functional verification and so on.
Keywords:Palletizing;Robot;Rectangular coordinate system;Modeling
目 录
摘要 I
Abstract I
1. 绪论 1
1.1 课题研究背景 1
1.2 码垛机器人的发展现状和课题意义 2
2. 码垛机器人单元应用案例调研学习概述 3
2.1 码垛机器人系统的基本构成 3
2.2 码垛机器人的功能描述 5
2.3 码垛机器人的机械结构 5
2.4 调研小结 6
3. 码垛机器人的主要难点与技术路线 7
3.1 主要难点 7
3.2 技术路线 8
4 自动化立体仓储系统设计方案 9
4.1 自动化立体仓库货架设计 9
4.1.1 立体仓库的零件选用 9
4.1.2 自动化立体仓库整体设计 10
4.2码垛机器人单元 11
4.2.1 直角坐标码垛机器人单元及其工作原理 11
4.2.2 码垛机器人单元的控制系统 12
4.2.3 码垛机器人单元的机械结构 13
5. 码垛机器人单元关键部件的设计与计算 17
5.1 伺服电动机、驱动器的选用计算 17
5.2 同步齿形带直线运动结构的选用计算 20
5.3 设计、计算小结 22
6 结论与展望 23 自动立体仓储系统码垛机器人单元设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_13354.html