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时间:2024-05-14 22:35来源:95388




Abstract:Plastic products are now widely present in people's daily lives, small to daily necessities, large to the field of automotive ships. However, the plastic molding process will occasionally produce a lot of defects, such as welding marks, cavitation and warping, etc., affecting the quality of plastic parts and the use of performance. Therefore, through CAE technology simulation, prediction of defects, optimize the process parameters, based on the mold design, to improve the quality of plastic parts and the use of performance is of great significance.

In this paper, the industrial sewing machine belt cover as the research object, the first plastic injection molding process was studied, followed by clarification in the injection molding process often appear defects and solutions. The effects of the parameters on the warpage of the plastic parts were analyzed by orthogonal test method. The effects of the parameters on the warpage of the plastic parts were analyzed. And the optimal combination of process parameters is obtained. Finally, the pouring system, the cooling system, the guiding and stripping mechanism, the typeing and the core pulling mechanism of the injection mold are designed.

Key words: industrial sewing machine belt cover; Moldflow simulation analysis; injection molding; mold design.


第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2国内外研究现状 2

1.3本课题的研究意义及研究内容 3

1.31研究意义 3

1.3.2研究内容 3

第二章 注塑成型技术及缺陷分析 4

2.1注塑成型过程 4

2.2注塑成型工艺参数 4

2.2.1熔体温度 4

2.2.2模具温度 5

2.2.3注射压力 5

2.2.4保压时间 5

2.2.5保压压力 5

2.3注塑成型过程中的缺陷分析 5

2.3.1熔接痕 5

2.3.2充填不足 6

2.3.3缩痕 6

2.3.4翘曲变形 6

2.3.5裂纹 7

2.3.6气穴 7

2.3.7溢边 工业缝纫机皮带罩注塑成型模具设计+图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_203843.html
