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时间:2024-05-15 22:05来源:95393




Abstract:Stamping forming is one of the most important processing methods in die. This design is a series of design and manufacturing process for mass production on the basis of processing workpiece. Including the camera parts of the structure, size, accuracy and material performance analysis to develop effective forming program, and then decided to use multi station progressive die processing. Then the calculation process, formulated to meet the requirements of the process layout. The 10 positions of the die, including punching, bending, coining, trimming and blanking, are determined. Finally, the overall structure of the mold design, forming parts design and stamping equipment selection, drawing the assembly drawing and the main parts of the drawing.

In this design using the guide plate, side blade, guide pin and floating pin combination feeding distance, the pressure unloading mechanism, stripper plate spring and unloading screw combination. The design of the die, punch, die, material, die frame and die handle is introduced in detail. The process of die opening and closing die and the assembly drawing of die are described briefly.

Keywords: multi-position progressive die ; blanking ; bend; mold design

第一章 绪论 1

1.1选题的目的和意义 1

1.2多工位级进模的简介 2

1.3冲压模具的发展现状 3

1.4本文主要内容 4

第二章 工艺设计 5

2.1零件图 5

2.2冲裁的工艺性分析 7

2.3弯曲的工艺性分析 7

2.4工艺方案的选择确定 7

第三章 排样设计 8

3.1零件毛坯尺寸的计算 8

3.2排样方式的选择和搭边确定 8

3.3进距和进距精度 9

3.4利用率的计算 9

3.5排样图的设计 10

第四章 工艺计算 12

4.1冲压工艺力的计算 12

4.1.1冲裁力的计算 12

4.1.2弯曲力的计算 15

4.1.3卸料力的计算 照相机结构件冲压多工位级进模设计+图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_203852.html
