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时间:2024-05-15 22:14来源:95394




Abstract:The global industrial development is more and more developed, and the die industry has already had a very important place in the domestic economy, and has become a kind of judgment standard of the developed countries. Although the BMC plastic mold first launched in 1950s in Europe, but because of its excellent properties, such as good dimensional accuracy, good insulation and excellent heat resistance, which is widely used in auto parts, plastic motor, headlight reflector and precision parts. Although the BMC material because of its good performance has been widely used in the automotive field, but it also has defects in injection molding process of BMC material in a demanding and complex, so the research of BMC injection molding process has become the focus of long- term concern in academic circles.

The paper mainly studies the BMC injection molding process, and designs the die according to the simulation optimum parameter. First of all, the properties of BMC materials are studied to understand the characteristics of this material and pave the way for the following work. Subsequently, the three-dimensional modeling of the plastic parts is carried out by using PROE software, and the plastic parts are expressed in three dimensional structure. Then, the three-dimensional construction of the plastic parts is imported into the Moldflow software for simulation analysis, so as to obtain the optimum process parameters, such as the optimum gate number, gate number and heating system. Finally, according to the simulation analysis results, CAD software is used to design the die.

Keywords: BMC;injection molding;PROE modeling;Moldflow software;CAD software

第一章绪论 6

1.1本文研究的目的和意义 6

1.2国内外研究现状 6

1.3本文主要研究内容 8

第二章BMC模塑料的注射成型 10

2.1注射用BMC物料的工艺特性及要求 10

2.1.1BMC物料要求 10

2.1.2BMC的注射成型特性 11

2.2BMC注射成型工艺 11

2.2.1BMC模塑料的注射成型工艺过程 11

2.2.2BMC注射成型制品缺陷的常见缺陷及解决措施 12

第三章汽车前大灯反射镜注射成型模拟分析 13

3.1Moldflow软件功能介绍 13

3.2有限元建模 14

3.2.1几何模型建立 15 汽车前大灯反射镜BMC注射成型模具设计+图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_203853.html
