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时间:2024-09-01 09:26来源:96943



Abstract:Plastic parts are widely used in industrial and daily life, and with the appearance of plastic parts, wall thickness and other requirements are getting higher and higher, how to improve the quality of plastic parts, reduce production costs have become increasingly important. In this paper, the LCD cover as the research object, the use of numerical simulation analysis method to choose a more reasonable injection mold structure, optimize the molding process parameters, and then the injection mold design. First, the plastic parts of the process analysis, and use the appropriate injection molding machine, the selected injection machine to check; Secondly, the establishment of the LCD cover of the finite element analysis model, in the study of plastic melt filling and flow law, The structure of the pouring system and the cooling system is established, and then the warping deformation is selected as the test index to carry out the orthogonal test, the melt temperature, the packing pressure and the injection time are optimized. Finally, the casting system, Cooling system, core cavity, stripping mechanism and guide mechanism and other parts of the design, drawing a two-dimensional map of the mold.

Keywords: LCD cover; injection mold; mold design; mold flow analysis


第一章绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2薄壁注射成型简介 1

1.3薄壁注射成型国内外研究现状 2

1.4本文研究内容 3

第二章注塑成型工艺分析与模具结构形式的确定 5

2.1LCD上盖工艺性分析 5

2.1.1产品结构分析 5

2.1.2产品质量要求 5

2.1.3产品产量要求 5

2.1.4产品材料 5

2.2产品成型工艺方案的确定 6

2.2.1注塑机工艺参数的确定 6

2.2.2注塑机的选择与校核 6

第三章LCD上盖注射成型CAE分析及参数优化 8

3.1关于Moldflow软件 8

3.2有限元模型的建立 8

3.2.1几何模型的建立 8

3.2.2网格划分 8

3.2.3材料参数设置 9

3.2.4浇注系统的创建 10

3.2.5冷却系统的创建 LCD上盖注射工艺模拟分析及模具设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_204628.html
