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时间:2018-11-11 14:57来源:毕业论文

Design of 300MW power plant boiler swirl pulverized coal burner system
Abstract: With the rapid growth of national economy and power load, power grid capacity also will increase, our country more and more large capacity and high parameter boiler unit. Burner as the main part of pulverized coal boiler combustion equipment, its performance is good or bad for combustion stability and economy has a great influence. This graduation design is a 300mw power plant boiler swirl pulverized coal burner system, the paper first through to the coal industrial analysis given, determine the actual calorific value of coal, boiler, theoretical air volume and the parameters of the smoke gas, and ultimately determine the furnace fuel consumption, etc. Then, the calculation of the furnace structure, size and presuppose that furnace volume heat load and the cross section of heat load, calculate the volume and the cross-sectional area of the furnace, and the main body of the height, and preliminary selected according to the characteristics of coal pulverized coal burner type and arrangement, for burning coal pulverizing system and boiler capacity choosing appropriate; Finally, the calculation of the burner, to determine the primary and secondary air volume of wind, on this basis, the final out of the burner nozzle section size and the resistance of the burner.
Keywords: Power plant boiler; cyclone; The burner; design
摘要    i
Abstract    i
目录    ii
1    绪论    1
1.1    旋流燃烧器的分类    2
1.1.1    双蜗壳型旋流燃烧器    2
1.1.2    单蜗壳型旋流燃烧器    2
1.1.3    叶片型旋流燃烧器    2
1.2    旋流式燃烧器的特点和发展    3
1.3    新型燃烧器的发展    4
1.4    燃烧器设计的思路和需要注意的问题    5
2    燃料性质和燃烧计算    6
2.1    基本资料和燃料分析    6
2.1.1    煤种特性    6
2.1.2    燃料的数据校核和煤种判别    7
2.2    燃料燃烧的计算    7
2.2.1    理论空气量和理论烟气量    8
2.2.2    烟气特性    8
2.2.3    排烟温度的选择    9
2.2.4    热空气温度的选择    10
2.2.5    锅炉热平衡计算    11
2.3    小结    11
3    炉膛型式及燃烧方式的确定    12 300MW电站锅炉旋流煤粉燃烧器系统设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_25667.html