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时间:2018-11-11 13:19来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:  风力机叶片;MATHLAB;Wlison设计模型;玻璃钢;防雷系统
Design of the Wind Turbine Blade
Abstract:    Wind turbine blades is one of the important parts of wind power system, which is a direct impact on wind generator power, efficiency and size. This project is designed to 1MW wind turbine blades, including the calculation of the shape and size of the data structure, select the blade airfoil and materials. In calculating the data, select the Wlison design model and use the MATHLAB to optimize the design blade profile data. In the case of the actual operation, but also consider how to prevent harm caused by lightning leaves, design lightning protection system, because the blades wind power system is the most expensive part. 30 m overall length blade airfoil selected N4415 type blade is made by FRP, structural stability, the design wind speed 12m / s, the speed of about 24r / min, the overall power coefficient of about 30%.
Keywords:    Wind Turbine Blades; MATHLAB; Wlison design model; FRP; lightning protection system for wind turbine blades
摘要:    i
Abstract:    i
1    绪论    1
1.1    风力发电机    1
1.2    风力发电机结构    2
1.3    风力发电机的发展趋势    4
1.4    国内外研究现状与水平    6
1.5    风力发电机叶片    8
2    风力发电机叶片设计计算    9
2.1    风力机特征风速确定    9
2.1.1    特征风速的推导与确定    9
2.2    叶片外形设计    10
2.2.1    叶片基本参数    10
2.2.2    翼型及其升阻比    10
2.2.3    风轮直径    11
2.3    叶展形状设计模型    13
2.3.1    三个参考设计模型    13
2.3.2    Wlison设计模型    15
2.4    风力机叶片设计计算程序    16
2.4.1    Wlison优化设计方法和数学模型    16
2.4.2    Wilson 优化设计步骤    17
2.5    计算过程    17
2.5.1    基础数据计算    17
2.5.2    MATHLAB程序设计    18
2.5.3    绘制三文图形    20
3    风力机叶片材料    22
3.1    选材目的    22
3.2    玻璃钢    22
3.3    玻璃钢特点    23
4    防雷系统设计    24
4.1    叶片遭雷击统计    24
4.2    叶片损坏现象和机理    24 Wlison1MW风力机叶片设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_25648.html