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时间:2018-11-25 20:37来源:毕业论文

Tamping coke oven equipment coal pushing mechanism design of real time detection system
Abstract:Tamping coke oven equipment push real-time monitoring system for coal institutions through the briquette push in the process of motor torque, speed, displacement and vibration real-time monitoring to analyze the working condition of equipment, to ensure that the push of coal briquette can at the right speed steady precision to reach the destination and not loose. Complete the structure and design of the main components and sensors in the transmission system, the work flow and function requirements of the signal test, data processing and analysis software. Push thrust changes during the process of coal will cause the mechanism of vibration, and vibration mechanism will of equipment structure, the use life and briquette quality impact; coal pushing process of displacement, force and vibration correspondence was detected and analyzed in real time will help in the production process of research and judgment of the equipment fault state; for optimization of equipment improvement and process improvement to provide scientific basis.
Keyword: coal pushing; real time monitoring; torque; vibration; speed
1绪论    1
1.1引言    1
2 设计方案的确定    1
2.1课题中的主要难点及解决方案    1
2.2 实时检测系统拟定的一般原则    2
2.3 实时检测方案的最终确定    2
2.3.1推煤机构实时检测系统的基本要求及技术指标    2
2.3.2 传感器选择及设计方案    2
3推煤杆推力检测系统设计    4
3.1检测方法的选择与设计    4
3.2检测仪器的选择与设计    5
3.3发射器的安装与连接设计    6
3.4应变片的安装与连接设计    7
4实际工作中振动检测系统的设计    11
4.1检测方法的选择与设计    11
4.2传感器的选择与设计    11
4.3 检测仪器的选择与设计    12
4.4传感器的安装与连接    12
5实际工作转速检测系统的设计    13
5.1 检测方法的选择与设计    13
5.2传感器的选择与设计    13
5.3检测仪器的选择与设计    15
5.4传感器的安装与连接设计    15
6设计系统的总成设计    16
6.1 实时检测系统组成    16
6.2 计算机数据采集与检测系统的选择    19
6.3检测系统总成    21
7结束语    23
8参考文献    24
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