关键词: 无人机,总体设计,微型涡喷,三面图
Title Overall structural design in small Unmanned aerial vehicles
UAV is a need for the power plant and it can sustained and controlled
flight in the air. In view of the present research of worldwide UAV and the development trend of UAV in the future,the UAV with a specific function is designed preliminarily according to UAV design process. Overall design content includes the design requirements of the subject UAv,selecting the overall aerodynamic layout form, calculating the main parameters(take-off weight, thrust, wing area) of UAV, part shape design (wings, tail, fuselage, landing gear, etc.) and so on. Finally the feasibility of the scheme is verified by center of gravity estimation. At the end of the article, drawing three-view and all parts of the UAV by cad and finishing the three-dimensional map. Formed a set of feasible design scheme eventually.
Keywords: UAV, Overall design, Micro turbojet,three-view
目 次
1 引言 1
1.1 研究意义 1
1.2 国内外无人机研究历程 1
1.3 本文研究内容 4
2 无人机设计依据 4
2.1 设计要求 4
2.2 设计规范和适航性条例 4
3 总体布局形式的选择 5
4 主要参数的确定 6
4.1 起飞重量的确定 6
4.2 推重比和推力的确定 12
4.3 翼载和机翼面积的确定 13
5 动力装置的确定 15
6 部件外形设计 17
6.1 机翼设计 17
6.2 副翼设计 21
6.3 尾翼设计 21
6.4 机身设计 24
6.5 起落架设计 25
7 总体布局 28
7.1 重心估算 28
7.2 绘制三面图和三文图 30
结 论 32
致 谢 33
1 引言
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