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时间:2019-04-24 15:03来源:毕业论文

    Title  Lightweight Design  of A New Trailer Tanker
With the current serious energy situation,reduce the car energy consumption is imminent.Automobile lightweight is an important way to reduce energy consumption,increase transport efficiency, improve the ability of sustainable development of automobile enterprises,the current domestic and international research also pay a lot of attention on this project.
We determine the general structure of the tank according to the original data and performance requirements provided by the subject first.We determine the final design scheme by analyzing and calculating.On the basis of the scheme, we use a new type of sandwich material to produce the tank,.We achieve the goal by this way.
We made the 3-D model with UG,the we import the geometric model to finite element analysis software HyperMesh.We calculate the relevant data with the solver Radioss.The modal analysis was performed by HyperMesh.The FLUENT fluid analysis software is used to analyze the surge pressure.We obtain the parameters from that.
The results show that the weight of the tank decreased evidently than the original after the lightweight design.The results achieved the expected goal.The final design of this paper has a great reference value to the actual production, and the lightweight design of the tank has great significance to the energy consumption and improve the efficiency of transport.
Keywords :liquid tank, lightweight, finite element, model analysis.
目   次
1  绪论1
1.1   引言1
1.2  背景和意义1
1.3   国内外研究概况2
1.4    研究内容 3
2  结构轻量化设计 4
2.1  实现液罐车罐体轻量化的途径  4
2.2  轻质材料与结构优化  4
2.3  夹层结构  4
2.4  结构模型与参数介绍  10
3  罐体结构有限元分析  12
3.1  引言  12
3.2  有限元法概述  12
3.3  创建有限元模型  12
3.4  计算内容  14
4   有限元计算  16
4.1  网格划分  16
4.2 加载及约束方式  18
4.3  计算结构分析  18
4.4  轻量化前后质量比较  24
结论 25
致谢  26
附录A 28
附录B  40
    1  绪论
1.1  引言
石油短缺和环境污染已经成为限制我国发展的两座大山,严重拖缓了经济增速。对于液罐车非法超载运营等问题的整治措施在不断实施,从2004年开始我国治理超载工作,液罐车的超载问题显得尤为突出。为了能够达到环境治理和人民利益都得到保障的情况下,液管车辆的轻量化显得很有其现实意义。实现利益最大化一是尽量提高车辆的载重量,另一方面可以减少车辆自身的重量,同时也能减少对环境的污染。这两个条件为今后汽车工业的发展提供了方向。在这样的背景下,我们决定对液罐车进行轻量化设计。 一种新型半挂液罐车的轻量化设计与性能优化:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_32487.html