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时间:2019-04-24 14:54来源:毕业论文

    关键词  吸气式旋转爆震发动机 推力 比冲 数值研究
    Numerical Studies of Air-breathing Rotating Detonation Engine  Performance
   In recent years, the rotating detonation engine is a hot research spot in the world. In most studies, numerical simulation is carried out with(H2 and O2)as the reaction mixture, and the numerical simulation of the reaction mixture of alkanes and air is less. In this paper using second order Euler equations with chemical reaction, ignore the viscosity and effect of heat conduction and diffusion transport, with{C8H18 + 12.5 (O2+ 3.75N2)}as the reaction mixture, the rotation of the equivalent ratio of reactants to 1 detonation engine flow field in two-dimensional numerical simulation.In the Fluent software boundary conditions set different entrance parameters and external environment, the simulation for the internal flow field under different altitude and Mach number, calculate the thrust and specific impulse. Analysis under different flight conditions air-breathing detonation engine internal flow field characteristics and compare the flying conditions affect on engine thrust and specific impulse.Results show that the air-breathing detonation engine thrust changes over to flow condition, specific impulse can reach 20000 N • s/kg, is superior to the traditional liquid engine.
Keywords : Airbreathing rotating detonation engine   Thrust   Specific impulse       Numerical investigation
目   次
1  引言    1
1.1  吸气式旋转爆震发动机的研究背景和意义 1
1.2  RDE国内外研究现状  2
1.3  本文主要研究工作    4
2  数值方法及计算模型介绍   5
2.1  控制方程 5
2.2  化学反应 6
2.3  求解方法 7
2.4  网格划分 8
2.5  边界条件 9
2.6  本章小结 11
3  结果分析   12
3.1  算例验证 13
3.2  飞行条件对流场结构的影响   16
3.3  推力的计算   20
3.4  飞行条件对比冲的影响   23
3.5  本章小结 24
结论   25
致谢   26
参考文献   28
附录   30
1  引言
1.1  吸气式旋转爆震发动机的研究背景和意义
推进系统的燃烧方式有两种:爆震和爆燃。爆燃近似于等压燃烧。而爆震近似于等容燃烧。等压燃烧技术的发展时间长,技术成熟,提高其效率困难。爆震燃烧研究的时间短但具有较高的热循环效率。较高的热循环效率是人们研究旋转爆震发动机的主要原因。目前采用爆震燃烧方式的发动机分为3类:脉冲爆震发动机(Pulsed Detonation Engine,简称PDE)斜爆震发动机(Oblique Detonation Engine,简称ODE)、旋转爆震发动机 (Rotating Detonation Engine,简称RDE)。 吸气式旋转爆震发动机性能数值研究:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_32486.html