[摘 要] 在旋转类的机械部件中滚动轴承是特别容易出现故障的一个零部件,很多旋转类的机械故障都与滚动轴承有关。由于滚动轴承的设计存在问题,使用方法不佳,安装方法不当,使得轴承在使用了一段时间以后会出现很多种类的故障。因此,为了减少此类事情的发生,国内外已经掀起了一股研究滚动轴承故障的热潮,并且在现有的技术的状况下已经取得了显著的成绩并有良好的发展。而振动状态的分析是滚动轴承的状态监测和故障诊断最常用也是最重要的一种手段。为了进行振动状态的分析,设计故障诊断实验平台就显得极为迫切。39609
Roller Bearing Fault Diagnosis Test Platform Design
Abstract: Rolling is a rotary type machine parts most prone to failure of a part, a plurality of rotating machinery fault class and status are related to the rolling bearing. Because of the design problem and installed due to poor or rolling bearings Rolling in use for some time in the future there will be a variety of failures. Therefore, the home and abroad has set off a wave of Rolling to reduce such things from happening. Bearing Fault boom, and in the situation existing technology has made remarkable achievements and good development. The analysis of the state of the status of the rolling bearing vibration monitoring and fault diagnosis of the most common and the most important as a means. For the analysis of vibration state design fault diagnosis test platform becomes extremely urgent.
In this paper, the advantages and disadvantages of the existing Rolling bench, proposes convenience with the change of rolling bearing fault diagnosis experiment platform. With self-developed experimental platform based on MATLAB software with WINDOWS operating system with sensors, signal acquisition card for analysis.
This design of experimental platform in accordance with the requirements to complete a given task, to study the type of rolling bearing fault simulation and experiment to succeed.
Keywords: rolling; troubleshooting; vibration signal; experimental platform
第一章 绪论 1
1.1滚动轴承故障诊断技术的发展及现状 1
1.2选题的目的和意义 2
1.3本论文的主要内容和章节安排 3
第二章 滚动轴承的振动机理及失效形式 4
2.1滚动轴承的基本参数 4
2.2滚动轴承的振动原因 5
2.3滚动轴承的振动机理 5
2.4滚动轴承的失效形式 5
2.5滚动轴承的故障方法研究 6
第三章 实验平台的设计 8
3.1实验平台的功能要求 8
3.2实验平台硬件部分设计 9
3.2.1驱动装置的选型 9
3.2.2联轴器的选型 10
3.2.3 传动轴的选择 10
3.2.3轴承座的选型与设计 11
3.3实验平台信号采集系统的选择 12
3.3.1传感器的选择 12
3.3.2数据采集卡的选择 14
第四章 实验流程及结论 16
4.1滚动轴承外圈故障的诊断流程 16
4.2滚动轴承内圈故障的诊断流程 17 滚动轴承故障诊断实验平台设计:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_39966.html