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时间:2019-12-17 21:39来源:毕业论文



关键词  破片速度测量  铝箔靶  信号调理器  不确定度评定   


Title  Research based on the aluminum foil target of fragment’s  velocity test method                                  


While warhead explosion,whether the fragment can kill the target effectively is closely related with the speed striking the target. Initial velocities of the fragments and velocity attenuation law are also important parameters for research on power effect and analysis of fragment flight rule.Aluminum foil target is widely used in the field of fragment velocity testing because its low price and simple operations.

The research work of this paper mainly includes:

1.Summarized the velocity measuring methods of high speed projectile and research status at home and abroad.

2.Designed a kind of multiple channel signal conditioner,which is matched with the foil target.

3.Simulated the velocity attenuation when fragments crossing the foil target by using Autodyn

4.Calculated the measuring accuracy of the foil target and carried out experimental verification.

Keyword   Fragment velocity measurement   Aluminum foil target    Signal conditioner     Uncertainty evaluation

目   次

1  绪论 1

1.1  研究背景及意义 1

1.2  国内研究状况 1

1.3  本文主要工作 4

2  铝箔靶测速原理、应用及系统组成 5

2.1  铝箔靶工作原理 5

2.2  铝箔靶测速的典型应用 5

2.3  铝箔靶测速系统的组成 7

2.4  本章小结 8

3  信号调理电路的设计 9

3.1  铝箔靶测速信号处理分析 9

3.2  电路原理图设计 10

3.3  电路图仿真及实验验证 15

3.4  PCB板的制作与加工 18

3.5  本章小结 19

4  多通道信号调理器机箱设计 20

4.1  机箱总体要求 20

3.2  信号调理器输入输出连接器选择 20

4.3  信号调理器尺寸设计 21

4.4  调理器机箱散热及抗振设计 22

4.5  信号调理器机箱实物加工 23

4.6  本章小结 AUTODYN铝箔靶的破片速度测试方法研究:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_43532.html
