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时间:2020-03-23 13:13来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词: 重锤式破碎机;转子;锤头;强度校核

   The Design Of The Total Of The PCG-1316 Heavy    Hammer Crusher

Abstract:This article describes the history of the development at home and abroad, research purpose and meaning, classification, working principle and the main parameters of the crusher. Wherein the working principle of hammer crusher were highlighted, and a detailed analysis of the composition of hammer crusher, through strength check calculation of the key components to optimize the overall structure of the crusher, and also analyzed its advantages and disadvantages as well as the scope of application, then the whole structure of the crusher has been improved design. In the design of the drive program, through analysis and comparison of the three programs, the most optimal option. Then the rotor for improved design and selection of materials hammerhead provide reasonable parameters, which can shorten the product development cycle, improve product reliability. Finally, the entire operation of the machine, installation, routine maintenance and basic safety procedures have been described in detail. Through its own practice, more aware of the professional knowledge of the crusher learning, improve skills, understand the internal structure and the use of the crusher.

Keywords: Hammer crusher; Rotor; Hammer; Intensity check


1 绪论 1

1.1 破碎机的未来发展空间 2

1.2 破碎机和锤式破碎机的分类介绍 2

  1.2.1  破碎机的分类 2

  1.2.2  锤式破碎机的分类 2

1.3 锤式破碎机的主要特点介绍 2

  1.3.1  锤式破碎机的优点 2

  1.3.2  锤式破碎机的缺点 2

1.4破碎机种类介绍 3

2 重锤锤式破碎机的工作原理 8

  2.1 重锤锤式破碎机基本参数 8

  2.2 重锤锤式破碎机的工作原理 9

  2.3 重锤锤式破碎机的破碎物料

    2.3.1 破碎的目的和意义 10

    2.3.2 破碎过程实质 10

3 重锤锤式破碎机主要零部件的计算 11

3.1主要设计任务 11

  3.1.1 设计任务 11

  3.1.2 原始条件及数据 PCG-1316重锤式破碎机总体设计和CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_48738.html
