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时间:2020-05-24 09:57来源:毕业论文




Abstract BIA door roof safety test system integration the impact of excellent handling, precise measurement and leading technology of data acquisition system, for the structural integrity of quantitative provides high precision and simple solution.We can use the same set of system to accomplish the door impact test and the roof deformation oppression impact test.Hydraulic system design is the car door roof concussion test-beds design process of the most important step.

    This text analyses , demand to carry on the scheme to work out on this performance systematic in hydraulicpressure.Prove to its function and operation principle.Have confirmed the basic structure of system every return circuit and main component tentatively According to giving the organization performance parameters and choice of carrying on the component of performance parameter of hydraulic  pressure to calculate Through to the checking computations and generating heat to check of systematic function, in order to respond to the request that this hoist should reach .

Keywords: The door hit the roof safety test system; Hydraulic system; Basic structure; Component selection; Check.

目   录

第一章  绪论 1

1.1 课题研究的目的和意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.2.1国外研究现状 1

1.2.2国内研究现状 4

1.3液压传动的优缺点 7

1.3.1优点 7

1.3.2 缺点 7

1.4 液压系统在工程中的应用 8

1.5液压系统的类型 8

1.6液压系统的功能和组成 9

第二章  液压系统的设计步骤与要求 10

2.1设计步骤 10

2.2 设计要求 10

2.3制定基本方案 10

2.4绘制液压系统图 12

2.5油路分析 14

第三章 液压系统主要参数的计算 16

3.1升降回路 16

3.1.1初步估算系统工作压力 16

3.1.2 液压执行元件的主要参数 16

(2)缸筒内径的确定 16

(3) 活塞杆直径的确定 17

(4)液压缸壁厚的确定 19

(5) 液压缸的流量 汽车车门车顶冲击试验台液压系统设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_52560.html
