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时间:2020-05-24 16:23来源:毕业论文





Abstract The crankshaft is one of the most important accessories for diesel engine. The semi-finished product , the construction, the material, the size and the weight of the crankshaft depend on the requirements of the type and the function of the diesel engine, which determines the ways of processing . Additionally, different processing increases the difference of the process flow,the level of the process optimization and the automation. Nevertheless, the elementary process flow of it is the same.

This paper using 3D modeling software named Solidworks to 3D modeling of the crankshaft ,and then 3D modeling import the automatic programming software named Edgecam ,and crankshaft features to capture ,select the appropriate tool ,the control characteristics of generation of tool paths ,and confirmation through the simulation ,can be a key to generation NC code .Finally,the code into the software Vericut for NC machining simulation,in order to verify the correctness of the code .In the fixture ,the crankshaft machining in the past ,mostly in the lathe eccentric clamping . This article is based on four linkage jaw chuck as the main fixture ,using five-axis milling center simulation processing strategy.

The research of this subject can be subjected to the actual generation of improved application to other types of design and provide the reference scenario.


目    录  

第一章  绪  论 1

1.1 引言 1

1.2 曲轴工艺设计的意义及国内外加工技术展望 1

1.3软件介绍 1

1.3.1 Solidworks三维制图 1

1.3.2 Edgecam 自动编程 2

第二章  曲  轴 5

2.1 曲轴的作用 5

2.2 曲轴的主要结构及技术要求 6

2.2.1 曲轴的载荷 6

2.2.2 曲轴的性能要求 6

第三章  工艺过程设计 9

3.1 曲轴的工艺审查 9

3.2 选择毛坯 9

3.2.1 曲轴的材料 9

3.2.2 曲轴的毛坯类型及其制造工艺 10

3.2.3 曲轴毛坯的制造工艺分析 Solidworks车削中心的复杂零件车铣复合加工仿真:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_52668.html
