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时间:2020-07-12 19:52来源:毕业论文



在液压伺服系统设计中还用到各种软件,例如利用MATLAB进行液压缸与伺服阀传递函数的仿真,采用C++ builder进行控制界面的绘制并实现编程,利用Visio绘制液压原理图和控制电路图,通过软件的使用方便了系统的设计。在设计最后进行了简明的总结与致谢!


Abstract With the advancement of human production and life, hydraulic cylinders are widely used in a variety of machine tools, metallurgy, mining, chemicals, shipbuilding, automobiles, water, electricity and other sectors, in order to contribute to the development of national economy. In view of the electro-hydraulic position servo system research and application status of the programmable logic controller (PLC) used in servo systems as electro-hydraulic servo system controller, through a reasonable choice controller (PLC) and electricity hydraulic servo valve, hydraulic cylinders raise the level of control by feedback of the output measuring device for measuring the actual output and reduce the expected error between the output and thus improve the control accuracy of the controlled object indirectly precise control.

The design of the hydraulic system actuators for simple calculations and selection; through all aspects of the hydraulic servo system selection and design in detail, including: the choice of the servo valve control signal selection, the choice of the control algorithm to come identify system solutions to optimize servo system, a concise description of the system's control principle and the main control components, information acquisition device models and functions for servo systems around the PLC control circuit design and system framework mapping.

In hydraulic servo system design also uses a variety of software, such as the use MATLAB for hydraulic cylinders and servo valve transfer function simulation, using C + + builder to control the interface to draw and implement programming, using Visio drawing hydraulic circuit schematics and control through the use of software to facilitate system design. Finally, in the design of a concise summary and Thanks!

Key words:Position servo; PLC; Servo valve

 目    录

第一章  绪论1

1.1 课题背景1

1.2 液压伺服系统发展现状及趋势1

1.3 课题研究的意义2

第二章  位置伺服系统方案选择4

2.1 位置控制方案选择4

  2.1.1 电液比例阀位置控制4

  2.1.2 电液伺服阀位置控制4

  2.1.3 位置控制方案确定5

2.2 液压缸位置伺服系统控制方案选择5

  2.2.1 继电器、接触器控制系统5

  2.2.2 PLC控制系统-6

  2.2.3 控制方案确定7 PLC液压缸位置伺服系统设计+电路图:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_56180.html
