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时间:2020-10-25 20:01来源:毕业论文





Shipbuilding industry has been in the doldrums since 2008, China's a lot less competitive ship companies went bankrupt. Want to be in China shipbuilding powers must be continuous development. Shipbuilding production design is a very important link in modern shipbuilding industry, want to built a ship, the ship production design must be done well. For shipping enterprises of our country, want to catch up with Japan, South Korea, shipbuilding powers have to research, development, innovation is our country's shipbuilding level have a leap ascension, ultimately achieve the goal of building a naval power.

Now is mainly introduced in this paper the development of the shipbuilding industry present situation, the status quo of research both at home and abroad, this paper introduces the container ship, introduces some questions about ship's production design, and finally to a 2700 TEU container ship cargo side S12P/S subsection hull production design for concrete example, when doing the segment of the specific process, and through the computer software of CAD auxiliary draw the block diagram of the section, makeup figure, rings hanging misty, etc., use of EXCEL production schedule of the parts of the section.

Key words: 2700 TEU container ship; Side; CAD; Hull production design; Modern shipbuilding mode.


第一章  绪论 1

1.1 研究背景和现状 1

1.1.1我国造船业发展的背景 1

1.1.2 国内外研究现状及存在的问题 1

1.2集装箱船的简介 2

1.2.1 集装箱船的优点 2

1.2.2 集装箱船的发展趋势 3

1.3 现代造船模式 3

1.3.1现代造船模式简介 3

1.3.2 现代造船的设计基本原则 4

1.3.3 船舶生产设计特点 4

1.4 研究的目的与意义 5

1.5 研究的主要内容 5

第二章 船体生产设计准备 7

2.1 2700TEU集装箱船概况 7

2.2 承建船厂生产能力 8

2.3 船体建造方案 8

第三章 2700TEU集装箱船货舱舷侧S12P/S分段船体生产设计 9

3.1 S12P/S分段结构特点 9

3.2 S12P/S分段位置 2700TEU集装箱船货舱舷侧S12P/S分段船体生产设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_63681.html
