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时间:2017-05-11 21:31来源:毕业论文

摘要:这次的毕业设计的内容是电池盒的注射模设计。塑料注射成型所用的模具称为注射成型模,简称注射模.它是实现注射成型工艺的重要工艺装备.注射模根据结构与使用的目的可以分为很多种类,一般分为普通注射模具和特种注射模具.普通注射模具有可分为:单分型面结构注射模具和双分型面注射模具。塑料模具注射成形的最大特点是:成形同期短,能一次成形外形复杂、尺寸精密等的塑料工件;对各种塑料的适应性强;生产效率高,产品质量稳定,易于实现自动化生产。在设计过程中主要进行的工作是对塑料进行工艺性能的分析并画出塑件零件图,以及主流道的设计、模具型腔的分部以及型腔位置的选择,并画出它们的零件图,模架的选择和校核、注塑机的选取和校核等,其中最重要的一部就是对模具结构中型腔、型芯各径向尺寸和高度尺寸的计算,这些工作都要在查阅有关书籍后进行,总的设计,最后要画出模具设计的总装配图,并要对模具进行装配和试模,对其中出现的问题对模具进行改进,直到最后的零件符合设计要求。关键词: 注射成型模;型芯计算;型腔计算8426
Inject mold Design of Battery box
Abstract: This graduation project is the design of injection mold of the battery box. Referred to injection molding, plastic injection molding with a mold referred to as injection molding process equipment it is important to achieve the injection molding process, the injection mold can be pided in accordance with the purpose of the structure and use of many types, generally pided into ordinary injection mold and special injection mold. I- njection mold can be pided into: single parting surface structure of injection mold and dual sub-surface injection mold. Plastic mold injection molding is characterized by: for- ming a short period, forming a complex shape, size, precision plastic parts; adaptability of various plastics; production efficiency, product quality is stable, easy to automate produc- tion. The main work carried out during the design process is the plastic process performa nce analysis and draw plastic parts parts diagram, as well as the design of the sprue mold cavity segment as well as the choice of the cavity position and draw their parts diagram th e mold frame selection and verification, the injection molding machine, select and check, one of the most important is a medium-sized cavity of the mold structure, the radial dim- ension of the core and the height dimension of the calculation work must be related to the Now books, the overall design, and finally to draw the general assembly drawing of the mold design and mold assembly and test mode to improve the mold problem on which it appears, until the final parts meet the design requirements.
Keywords: injection molding; core computing; cavity computing
目 录
1  绪论    1
1.1  前言    1
1.2  注塑模设计过程    1
1.2.1  接收任务书    ..1
1.2.2  消化原始资料.1
1.2.3  模具详细结构方案2
1.2.4  绘制模具图 ..2
2  初始数据及资料分析    4
2.1  塑件分析    4
2.1.1  外形尺寸分析    4
2.1.2  精度等级分析    4
2.1.3  收缩率    4
2.1.4  脱模斜度    5
2.2  所选塑件材料成型性能与成型工艺    5
2.2.1  ABS材料的成型性能    5
2.2.2  ABS的注射成型工艺    6
3  注射机型号的确定    7
3.1  型腔数目的确定    7
3.2  注射容量的计算    7
3.3  锁模力的计算    8 电池盒注射模设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_6790.html