毕业论文关键词 微型飞行器 可折叠 旋翼 悬停
Title Design and implementation of small folding rotor structure
Abstract Since MAV concept was proposed, it has been received widespread attention. Currently, the most common aircraft is the mini four-rotor aircraft, compared with the other types of aircraft, rotorcraft flight has obvious advantages in achieving static, but there are a lot of imitations of it, such as the battery life is poor, it cannot sustained flight to reach distant destinations, and it is inconvenient to carry. So I design the for foldable rotor structure in this paper. Because of its folding structure, it can greatly save space. When it is locked, the folding wings close to the bullet wall; when it is expanded, the folding wings spread out to achieve institutional hover. This article first analysis the operating characteristic of the small folding rotor institutions, and then carry out the overall program design and analysis. Finally, I design the structure.
Keywords MAV foldable rotor hover
1 引言 1
1.1 微型飞行器的产生 1
1.2 微型飞行器的特点 1
1.3 微型飞行器的分类 2
1.4 微型飞行器的应用前景 3
1.6 本文研究内容 4
2 小型折叠旋翼机构的工作特性分析 4
2.1 低雷诺数空气动力学 4
3 小型折叠旋翼机构的总体方案分析与确定 5
3.1 机构设计指标 5
3.2 机构总体设计 5
3.3 升力 8
3.4 阻力 10
3.5 升阻比 11
3.6 参数设定 12
3.7 动力装置的选择 13
4 小型折叠旋翼机构的结构设计 17
4.1 材料的选择 17
4.2 布局设计 18
4.3 机构锁定 21
4.3 强度校核 22
结论 25
致谢 26
参考文献 27
1 引言
1.1 微型飞行器的产生
微型飞行器技术是从无人机小型化概念演变而来的。微型飞行器简称MAV(Micro Air Vehicle),它是由兰德公司的研究小组在一份关于军用微系统的调查研究报告中首次提出来的。随后美国麻省理工大学林肯实验室等研究机构开展了有关MAV方面的早期调研工作,于是一个专门的、从类型上与无人机区别开来的新概念名词,微型飞行器被正式提出来了。 小型折叠旋翼的结构设计与实现:http://www.youerw.com/jixie/lunwen_69638.html